项目名称: 自动制造系统的Petri网控制器设计及优化
项目编号: No.61203037
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 胡核算
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 为确保自动制造系统的正常和有效运行,需要一定的控制机制将资源合理地分配给各个过程。这种分配机制应该使得系统在无死锁的前提下保证一定的性能。Petri网由于具有简约和规范的表述形式,在制造系统中的建模、分析和控制中得到了很大应用和发展。充分地利用Petri网的结构化控制特性可以极大地降低控制器的计算时间,简化控制器的实现结构,确保受控系统性能。本项目的主要研究内容有:1) 研究自动制造系统中的死锁控制与比例控制问题及其解决机制。设计出兼容的死锁控制器和比例控制器,并确保受控系统的运行效率;2) 研究兼顾控制器实现代价和受控系统性能的活性监督控制器设计策略。建立实现代价最小和受控系统性能最优的控制器设计的一般方法;3) 针对考虑时间信息的自动制造系统,研究出避免遍历系统可达图的监督控制器设计方法。该方法应具有低的算法复杂度,所实现的受控系统应该具有最多的可达状态。
中文关键词: 活性控制;比例控制;Petri网;数学规划;自动制造系统
英文摘要: To ensure the effective and efficient operation of an automated manufacturing system (AMS), it is expected that a control mechanism can be designed to properly allocate resources to different processes. Such a mechanism should not only promise the deadlock-freeness but also guarantee the performance of the entire system. Owing to their compact and formal expression capability, Petri nets are widely used and greatly developed in the modeling, analysis and control of the AMS. By sufficiently employing the structural property of Petri nets, one can significantly reduce computational time to obtain a supervisor, simplify its implementation structure, and ensure the system performance. In this project, the research topics can be summarized as follows. First, it investigates the deadlock and ratio control and their coordination. Methods are proposed to realize the compatibility between a liveness supervisor and a ratio one and guarantee the system performance. Second, it concerns a kind of liveness supervisors which can make a trade-off between the supervisor implementation cost and the controlled system performance. Third, for the AMS associated with time information, a method is investigated to avoid the enumeration of the reachability graph. Such a method should produce the most reachable states in the controlled s
英文关键词: Liveness Supervision;Ratio Control;Petri Net;Mathematical Programming;Automated Manufacturing Systems