项目名称: 用于肝癌诊断的多种标志物同时识别检测新方法研究
项目编号: No.21265012
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 梁汝萍
作者单位: 南昌大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟发展生物识别分子在纳米材料表面的定向偶联和有序组装方法,构筑对多种特定靶标分子具有高效识别性能的纳米生物探针和生物传感界面。利用纳米生物探针和纳米传感界面上生物分子与样品中肿瘤标志物靶标分子特异性识别过程引起的界面电化学、荧光、表面等离子共振特征变化,结合电化学、表面等离子体共振和多种谱学手段,实时跟踪监测传感界面上生物识别分子/靶标分子之间相互作用的动力学过程,揭示界面识别过程中生物量和化学量通过界面效应转换成物理量的机制,获取传感体系的多靶标特异性同时识别传感规律,建立基于电化学、表面等离子共振和荧光共振能量转移原理的多种标志物同时识别检测新技术和新方法。筛选肝癌"最佳肿瘤标志物组合",开发用于肝癌早期诊断的多种标志物同时识别检测传感器件,为提高肝癌诊断的特异性、灵敏性和准确性提供可靠途径,对肝癌的早期筛查、早期诊断、早期治疗以及提高患者存活率具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 生物传感器;生物分子识别;标志物;纳米材料;纳米生物探针
英文摘要: In the development of bio-detection assays that could be useful in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) clinical diagnosis, improving assay sensitivity might be the foremost important task, but doing so without deteriorating other factors such as assay cost, time, complexity, dynamic range and reproducibility is as important as improving sensitivity for practical applications of developed bioassays. To address this assay sensitivity issue, it is necessary to synthesize highly functional nanomaterials and used their structures and functions to amplify detection signals. On the other hand, alphafetoprotein (AFP) has served as a diagnostic test for HCC since the 1970s, when most patients with HCC were diagnosed at an advanced stage with clinical symptoms. However, AFP levels are elevated both in patients with HCC and in those with chronic liver diseases, and there is a wide overlap between the two groups. Thus, the role of AFP as a diagnostic test is getting smaller. To date, many tumor markers have been proposed as a complement or substitute for AFP in the diagnosis of HCC, such as des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin, lens culinaris agglutinin-reactive fraction of AFP, α-L-fucosidase, golgi protein 73, and various cytokines. The absence of correlation between these markers suggests that each marker is related to a different as
英文关键词: Biosensor;Biomolecule recognition;Biomarker;Nanomaterial;Bio-/nanoprobes