项目名称: 基于基准图解析重构的重力匹配辅助导航方法研究
项目编号: No.61203193
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 童余德
作者单位: 中国人民解放军海军工程大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 重力匹配辅助导航是一种在惯性导航系统定位信息基础上利用地球重力场特征获取载体位置信息的组合导航技术。该技术能有效克服惯性导航系统定位误差随时间积累发散的缺点且具有高隐蔽性,对实现潜艇无源自主定位意义重大。 传统重力匹配辅助导航理论一般都建立在离散格网重力基准图上,匹配算法建模及其解算受基准图离散格式的限制。本项目拟通过研究局部重力场逼近理论,建立适合于重力匹配辅助导航技术应用的函数逼近模型,以此模型对离散重力基准图进行解析重构,在此基础上展开匹配算法的数学建模及其解算方法研究.为了提高匹配导航可靠性,项目拟对基于解析重力基准图的特征参数计算方法及航迹规划进行研究。最后,构建重力匹配辅助导航试验系统并依托海军测量船遂行测量任务完成海上匹配试验。本项目从新的角度对重力匹配辅助导航理论进行系统研究,其预期成果可为潜艇水下导航技术的发展提供理论支持。
中文关键词: 重力基准图;逼近;匹配算法;辅助导航;
英文摘要: The gravity matching aided navigation is a new integrated navigation technology which can be used to estimate the vehicle's track with the output of INS(Inertial Navigation System) and the gravity field feature. With high concealed ability, this technology can be applied to suppress the divergence of INS's positioning error effectively and it is significant to implement autonomous and passive navigation for submarines. Traditional gravity matching aided navigation theory is based on discrete grid gravity reference map, whose matching precision and stability are restricted by the discrete format of reference map. With study on the theory of local gravity field approximation, some suitable function approximation models will be build to reconstruct the discrete map analytically for the application of gravity matching aided navigation. Then, the methods of building and solving mathematical models for matching algorithms based on the analytic map will be researched. To improve the reliability of matching navigation, the methods of calculating gravity characteristic parameters and route planning based on the analytic map will also be researched. Finally, a testing system for gravity matching aided navigation will be build and a sea test will be implemented on the navy surveying ship with its routine missions. The grav
英文关键词: gravity reference map;approximation;matching algorithm;aided navigation;