项目名称: 基于数据增强与匹配的自发地理信息数据质量评价方法研究
项目编号: No.41301410
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张翔
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 自发地理信息(VGI)是近年来兴起非专业人员通过泛在网络创建和分享地理信息的新范式,并逐渐成为主流的地理信息源之一。网络流行的带有地理空间位置信息的微博、网民标注、照片视频等都属于VGI的范畴。因其开放式公众参与和非专业性本质,VGI数据出现了传统空间数据质量评价无法应对的新问题(如非结构化低密度信息重复表达、数据项缺乏语义描述、缺乏"内在"一致性等),使VGI将持续面临信息可靠性、一致性、可用性等问题的困扰,亟待发展适宜VGI特征的数据质量评价指标和评价方法。本研究针对VGI数据质量问题中的难点,以"规范建立-数据增强-数据匹配-质量评价"为研究主线,发展适应特定应用需求的,面向高层次地理概念的"内在"一致性和"外在"可靠性的VGI数据规范及其质量检测手段,以提高VGI在公共地理信息服务、空间数据更新和数据集成中的实用价值。
中文关键词: 空间数据质量;志愿者地理信息;模式识别;数据匹配;开放街图
英文摘要: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is an emergining phenomena in recent years where everyone can create geographic information and share it with others. VGI has now become a widely accepted source for geographic information. However, due to its voluntary nature and the fact that most contributors do not have a cartographic or geospatial background, various new problems are found in VGI data (e.g. unstructured data organization, low information density, multi-entry of the same information, lack of semantic description and consistency). On the other hand, tranditional spatial data quaity measures are no longer adequate for evaluating the above-mentioned issues of VGI data. In this context, quality assessment and control facilities are highly demanded to ensure that VGI data is usable in real-world applications. This proposal aims to develop a framework and methods to automatically evaluate the quality of VGI. A framework consisting of data specification, data enrichment, data matching and quality evaluation is conceived. Rather than evaluating the general quality of the data, application-specific requirements and quality metrics are to be developed to assess its quality in a certain application.Intrinsic and extrinsic quality criteria will be developed to evaluate higher-level geographic concepts and their q
英文关键词: spatial data quality;VGI;pattern recognition;data matching;OpenStreetMap