项目名称: 颞下颌关节连续运动三维磁共振成像的关键问题研究
项目编号: No.81501463
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 朱艳春
作者单位: 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 下颌运动的异常改变是下颌系统疾病早期诊断和疗效评估的可靠指标。磁共振成像是颞颌关节疾病诊断的最佳方法,但当前仅局限于静态或伪动态扫描。本项目以实现高对比度、真动态、三维颞下颌关节连续运动的磁共振成像为目标,基于回顾性门控重建理论解决颞下颌关节真动态三维磁共振成像的问题,并基于超短回波时间成像理论解决颞下颌关节盘磁共振信号过低问题。具体研究内容包括:(1)建立颞下颌关节运动模型,提出有效的颞下颌关节髁突的运动监控方法,保障长时间三维成像的运动跟踪的实时性和准确性;(2)改进超短回波时间成像提高颞下颌关节盘对比度的方法,降低传统抑制脂肪肌肉信号方法的重复时间,提高运动图像时间分辨率;(3)建立基于运动监控信号的电影图像稀疏矩阵重建方法,在保障图像连续性和时间分辨率的前提下,降低运动伪影。本项目所构建的颞下颌关节动态成像方案是下颌系统疾病诊断的新方法,有助于提高疾病的诊断正确率。
中文关键词: 颞下颌关节;磁共振成像;三维;连续运动
英文摘要: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the only linkage joint of human body. Abnormal moving is the reliable and objective indicator for diagnosing of tempormandibular disease and treatment evaluation. As a modality of choice for TMJ imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is subject to limitations of static or pseudo-dynamic scan. In this project, we aim to high contrast real dynamic three-dimensional MR imaging of TMJ. Based on the theory of retrospective gating reconstruction, we solve the problem of real dynamic three-dimensional MRI. Based on ultra-short echo time (UTE) MRI theory, we put forward high contrast imaging and display methods of TMJ disc. In this project, we will: (1) build moving model of TMJ, and develop monitoring methods for multi-direction movement. (2) develop the new UTE imaging techniques. Short repetition time (TR) is need in dynamic imaging for improving image temporal resolution. However, long T2 signals from fat and muscle have to be suppressed so that high contrast TMJ disc can be observed. The aim of this part is reducing TR when long T2 suppression techniques are added. (3) put forward the compress sensing (CS) cine reconstruction method. Combining CS algorithm, high temporal resolution dynamic images are reconstructed based on the derived motion signal. Motion artifacts suppression algorithm is a main point in this part. In conclusion, the scheme of dynamic TMJ MRI is a new method for the diagnosis of TMJ diseases. It will improve the accuracy of clinical TMJ disease diagnosis.
英文关键词: Temporomandibular Joint;Magnetic Resonance Imaging;Three-Dimentional;Continuous Moving