项目名称: 石墨烯的结构缺陷识别与检测
项目编号: No.11204358
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 杨蓉
作者单位: 中国科学院物理研究所
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 随着石墨烯在应用领域的逐渐拓展,如何定量检测石墨烯的结构缺陷,理解缺陷对载流子迁移率等的影响,制备出缺陷密度低的高质量石墨烯是目前亟待解决的关键问题。本项目立足于石墨烯的结构缺陷识别与检测,拟开发出一套可广泛应用于任意石墨烯样品缺陷检测的工艺方法,主要的研究内容包括: 1)结合氢等离子体各向异性刻蚀技术和原子力显微技术,发展一种可用于石墨烯缺陷检测的常规技术。2)检测碳化硅热解外延石墨烯和化学气相沉积石墨烯等样品的缺陷,并研究缺陷对石墨烯本身物理性能(如电学输运、声子散射等)的影响。3)分析缺陷产生的原因、机理,研究优化生长工艺的参数。 本项目的开展可将复杂的问题简单化,微观的问题宏观化,定性定量的分析石墨烯的本征缺陷、晶界与晶向,从而为揭示石墨烯基器件的输运性质提供了实验支持。本项目所采用的方法与设备均简单好用、成本低廉,结果直观明了,完全可用于工业化检测技术之中。
中文关键词: 石墨烯;石墨烯纳米结构;缺陷;输运;检测
英文摘要: With the ongoing research upsurge in graphene, there are significant efforts to develop large-scale integrated graphene devices for application in micro-electronic field and photo-electronic field. However, it is always unsatisfactory from an engineering point of view, as the performance of the integrated graphene devices are significant different from each other. The existing microstructures of structural defects and grain boundaries have dramatically influenced the electronic and mechanical behavior of graphene. Therefore, how to quantify these invisible structural defects and prepare high-quality graphene with fewest defects is the most important thing we need to solve out. This project is just focused on the detection and identification of structural defects in graphene. In this project, we will try to develop a widely applied technique to detect the structural defects in all kinds of graphene samples. The main study content includes these three parts: 1) Developing a conventional technique for defect detecting based on the anisotropic etching technique and atomic force microscopy. 2) Defect detecting for epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide and CVD synthesized graphene on copper. Trying to make clear the defect affected physical properties (such as electronic transport, phonon scattering) of graphene. 3) A
英文关键词: Graphene;Graphene nanostructures;Defects;Transport;detection