项目名称: 强关联系统中的拓扑相和拓扑相变
项目编号: No.11304175
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 汪忠
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 拓扑相和拓扑相变是近年来凝聚态物理中重要的新兴方向,具有重要的基础理论意义,同时也有广阔的实际应用前景。随着弱相互作用费米子系统中的拓扑相的理论逐渐完善,强关联系统中的拓扑相将会成为一个中心问题。本项目将重点研究这一新兴领域中的一系列关键问题如:(1)强关联体系中的拓扑相的分类;(2)推广拓扑不变量到强关联系统;(3)玻色子拓扑绝缘体的新奇性质;(4)强关联拓扑相在实际材料中的实现。我们将通过对这些问题的深入研究,加深对拓扑相的理解。
中文关键词: 拓扑相;拓扑相变;拓扑绝缘体;强关联体系;
英文摘要: Topological phases and topological phase transitions are among the most promising new directions in condensed matter physics, which have both fundamental theoretical implication and great application potential. In this project, we will focus on topological phase and phase transitions in strongly correlated systems, which are much less investigated compared to those occuring in weakly interacting fermionic systems. Our central problems include: (1)Classification of topological phases in strongly correlated systems;(2)Generalization of topological invariants to strongly correlated systems;(3)Exotic properties of boson topological insulators;(4)Experimental realization of strongly correlated topological phases.
英文关键词: Topological phases;Topological phase transitions;Topological insulators;Strongly correlated systems;