项目名称: 全同量子点晶格构筑及其量子态间耦合表征
项目编号: No.91321102
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 康俊勇
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 55万元
中文摘要: 科学技术的发展促使功能材料和器件日渐趋于小尺度和低维度,而量子点二维晶格以其独特的结构和新奇的效应已成为目前前沿研究热点。本项目基于原理论模拟和实验构筑Au、Zn等原子在Si(111)-(7X7)表面形成全同量子点阵列二维晶格的研究基础,拟进一步制备宏观长程有序的二维晶格,且通过RHEED结构表征和第一性原理计算确定其精细结构。利用扫描隧道显微技术,表征量子点二维晶格的表面形貌、电子态结构及其二维空间分布,了解不同位置的局域量子态信息,结合变偏压电子分波态空间分布的第一性原理计算,认识轨道杂化、量子态间耦合及隧穿效应等对二维晶格电子态的影响,揭示电子态结构的物理起源。进一步,采用双探针表征技术对二维晶格注入载流子,测量各向异性的电子态密度,结合理论模拟,掌握载流子在二维晶格不同对称方向上的输运特性;并研究光子与载流子的光电耦合行为对二维晶格输运特性的影响,揭示新规律。
中文关键词: 二维晶格;扫描隧道显微镜;量子耦合;载流子输运性质;;AlN/GaN二维超晶格
英文摘要: Since the rapid progress in functional materials, low dimensional lattices tend to be more important in the nano-scale devices. Benefited from their low dimensional effects, a variety of novel and peculiar properties becomes a new focus in the frontier areas. Based on the theoretical simulations and experimental fabrications of Au and Zn quantum dot arrays, this project plans to prepare macro-scale ordered Au and Zu two-dimensional lattices on Si(111)-(7X7) surface by controlling the growth conditions. The fine structures of the two-dimensional lattices will be determined using the RHEED characterization and first-principles simulations. The quantum states in various biases and their spatial distribution in the two-dimensional lattices will be characterized by employing the scanning tunneling microscopy. By combining the first-principles calculations, the local quantum states and their coupling as well as their orbital hybridization will be revealed. Moreover, the dual-probe technique will be used to inject the carriers into the two-dimensional lattices, on which the anisotropic electronic states will be characterized. The transport properties in the two-dimensional lattices will be investigated theoretically, based on which, the coupling behavior between the photons and carriers, as well as its effect on the tr
英文关键词: Two dimensional lattices;scanning tunneling microscopy;quantum coupling;carrier transport properties;AlN/GaN two dimensional superlattices