项目名称: 基于混杂建模的耦合神经系统最优控制及应用
项目编号: No.61473136
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 楼旭阳
作者单位: 江南大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 神经系统是当前国际上备受关注的、由多学科高度交叉的前沿研究热点领域,其模型构建和动力学分析是非常重要的基础研究内容。本项目针对具有不连续特征的耦合神经振子系统,探索其模型构建、最优控制以及应用等问题,以推进神经振子系统研究进程。主要内容包括(1)基于相位降阶方法和混杂系统理论对具有不连续特征的耦合神经振子系统构建混杂模型;(2)研究和提出有限测量状态条件下耦合神经振子系统的参数辨识方法,并进行算法的性能分析;(3)利用混杂极大值原理等技术深入研究混杂神经振子系统基于事件驱动的可控性和最优控制问题;(4)利用理论结果设计并实现神经振子群的去同步算法,开展神经振子系统在模式识别等方面的应用研究。本项目属于应用基础研究,该研究对于阐明耦合神经振子系统的最优控制机制、推动理论神经科学的发展具有重要意义,其研究成果在图像处理、模式识别等领域有重要的应用价值。
中文关键词: 混杂系统;优化控制;神经系统
英文摘要: Study on the neural systems is one of the frontier research areas of the current international concern and the multidisciplinary research focus areas. The modeling and dynamics analysis of the neural systems are very important fundamental research contents. The project for the coupled neural oscillators with discontinuous feature, explores the model, optimal control design and applications, and promotes the research process of neural oscillators. The main contents include that (1) construct the hybrid models of coupled neural oscillator systems with discontinuous feature based on phase reduction method and the hybrid system theory; (2) propose parameter identification methods for coupled neural oscillator system under the condition of limited measurements, and further analyze the algorithm performance; (3) deeply study the event-based controllability and optimal control problems for the hybrid neural oscillator systems using the Lie algebr and hybrid maximum principle; (4) design and realize the synchronization algorithm of neural oscillators based on the obtained theoretic results, build the hardware platform of coupled neural oscillator systems, and carry out the applications of neural oscillators in pattern recognition etc. This project belongs to the fundamental application research, which is of great significance for clarifying the optimal control mechanism of coupled neural oscillators and promoting the development of theoretical neural science. The research results possess important application value in the field of image processing, pattern recognition and so on.
英文关键词: hybrid systems;optimal control;neural systems