项目名称: 难降解废水厌氧处理工艺的状态诊断研究
项目编号: No.51308172
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 董方
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 厌氧工艺经常被用于处理难降解废水,但其具有不稳定的特点,难降解物质对厌氧微生物的毒性又加剧了这种不稳定性,因此限制了其在难降解废水处理中的应用。合理的监测控制可以提高厌氧工艺的稳定性,而这又取决于快速准确的状态诊断。目前针对难降解废水厌氧工艺不稳定系统状态诊断的研究很少,该类废水处理过程状态与监测参数之间的映射关系并未确立,不同难降解废水的个性对状态诊断的影响也不明确,并缺少合理的状态诊断评估指标。本项目以难降解废水厌氧处理过程为对象,进行冲击实验并采集监测参数数据,结合动力学热力学分析,明确不同难降解废水工艺过程内在状态与过程参数之间的映射关系,提出具有敏感性、全面性和预测性的在线状态评估指标,建立难降解废水厌氧处理的状态诊断方法,以提高该类废水厌氧处理工艺的稳定性。
中文关键词: 难降解废水;厌氧工艺;在线监测;状态诊断;
英文摘要: The anaerobic process is often used to treat refractory wastewater. However, anaerobic process has the characteristics of instability. The toxicity of refractory compounds to anaerobic microbe enhanced the instability, which limits the application of anaerobic treatment in refractory wastewater. The proper monitoring and control can improve the stability of the process. The basis of control is accurate states diagnosis of treatment process. At present, the states diagnosis aiming at this special instable system, namely refractory wastewater anaerobic process, has seldom reported. The effects of the charter of different refractory wastewater on states diagnosis are not clear. There is also lack of fingerprint indexes for states diagnosis. This topic will take refractory wastewater anaerobic process as study objects. The shock experiments will be carried out and the monitoring data will be collected. The mapping relations between process states and monitoring parameters will be clarified through dynamic and thermodynamic analysis. The fingerprint indexes will be put forward. The method of states diagnosis for refractory wastewater anaerobic process will be investigated. The topic aims at stable operation of refractory wastewater anaerobic process.
英文关键词: refractory wastewater;anaerobic process;online monitoring;diagnosis of state;