项目名称: 受限空间油气爆炸抑制机理及应用基础研究
项目编号: No.51276195
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 杜扬
作者单位: 中国人民解放军后勤工程学院
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 受限空间油气火灾爆炸在石油与天然气开采、储运与使用,石化,城市燃气与市政、能源战略储备、军事供油工程等领域一直是造成损失最为惨重的重大安全事故。本项目将对受限空间不同类型抑爆介质(气固液态)油气(轻质油料蒸汽混合物、天然气)爆炸抑制过程进行复杂环境条件下系统(不同初始油气浓度、温度、湿度、O2、CO、CO2、固体惰性颗粒、碳黑,不同抑爆剂浓度与充填容积、均匀与非均匀分布等配置,实验装置大范围尺度变化等)、深入模拟实验(包括油气爆炸火焰抑制"细节"的深化实验研究)及理论分析;探索不同类型抑爆介质油气爆炸抑制作用机理、建立基于详细化学反应动力学与热力学统一的油气抑爆过程分析模型;完成受限空间复杂条件下油气爆炸抑制过程数值模拟研究及数值分析平台建设。研究成果将丰富可燃气爆炸及控制科学理论体系,奠定受限空间油气爆炸抑制先进技术研发、安全防护工程应用等的科学基础,具有重大的社会、经济和军事应用价值。
中文关键词: 受限空间;油气;爆炸;抑制爆炸;数值模拟
英文摘要: Fire and explosion caused by gasoline-air mixture in confined space usually are the most serious safety accidents in the fields of oil and gas exploitation, storage & transportation and use, petrochemical industry, city gas and municipal works, fuel strategic reserves and military oil supply engineering, etc., which often lead to massive losses. The systematic and deep experiments, including the deep experimental Research of gasoline-air mixture explosion suppression process "details", of gasoline-air mixture explosion suppression process in confined spaces for different explosion suppression medium and complex environmental conditions are carried out in this project. The theoretical analysis for the experimental results will be completed too. The suppression media involve gas, liquid and solid state ones. The complex environmental conditions refer to different initial concentration of hydrocarbon, O2, CO, CO2, solid inert particles and carbon black, different initial temperature and humidity, different explosion suppression agents' concentration and filling volume. The complex environmental conditions also include uniform and non-uniform distribution of explosion suppression agents and the changes of experimental device's scale, etc. The special explosion suppression mechanism for the different explosion suppr
英文关键词: confined space;gasoline-air mixture;explosion;explosion suppression;numerical simulation