项目名称: 碳纤增强类蜂窝褶皱夹芯结构力学性能研究
项目编号: No.11472091
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 孙雨果
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 96万元
中文摘要: 碳纤增强褶皱夹芯结构作为集轻质高强韧、抗冲击耐腐蚀、易于多功能化集成等特点的一种新型结构,在航空航天等领域具有广阔的应用前景。国际上针对该类结构的制备和力学特性的研究还处于起步阶段,是欧美发达国家竞相研发的热点课题之一。本项目以碳纤增强复合材料为基材,以类似于蜂窝状褶皱结构为芯子,设计制备一种新型全复合材料夹芯结构,并对其静、动态力学响应特性进行研究。研究内容包括:以工程应用为背景,探索褶皱芯子的成型工艺和制备方法;以力学理论、实验与数值模拟相结合的方法,从材料微观/细观形态着手系统研究该结构在静、动态载荷下的力学行为及其损伤失效机理;揭示碳纤增强类蜂窝褶皱芯子的二维铺设参数、三维拓扑构型参数与夹芯结构宏观力学响应之间的内在关联机制;给出该种夹芯结构设计制备及评价方法,为我国未来高性能空天飞行器制造过程中新一代结构材料的选用提供科学的参考依据和技术储备。
中文关键词: 碳纤增强类蜂窝褶皱芯子;夹芯结构;优化设计;制备方法;力学性能
英文摘要: Due to the characterics with high specific ratio of toughness/stiffness, crashworthiness, corrosion resistance as well as being apt to be multi-functionally integrated, the CFRP sandwich structure with folded core has been identified to possess a widely promising application in aerospace field. However, few investigation concern on the preparation and mechanical performance of structure even in the academic field of European and American. Until recently, theme concerning on this subject just start. The aim of this project is to develop a novel type of CFRP sandwich structure with honeycomb-inspired cores, the preparation method, mechanical responds and failure mechanism for the structure under static and dynamic loadings will be investigated. The inherent relations between the macromechanical responds of whole structure and the parameters of CRFP prepreg of laying-up and configuration of core will be revealed. The project conclusions are anticipated to be beneficial for the aspect of choosing alternative structural materials for the next generation flight vehicle in the future.
英文关键词: CFRP honeycomb-inspired foldcore;sandwich structure;optimized design;preparation;mechanical property