项目名称: 可调控准低维超冷原子系统的层梯维度渡越和维度效应的研究
项目编号: No.11274315
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 梁兆新
作者单位: 中国科学院金属研究所
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 低维量子系统蕴藏着丰富的新奇物理现象,具有巨大的基础研究和应用价值,其与新兴超冷原子领域的交叉结合是低维凝聚态物理研究的最新趋势之一。本项目拟充分利用外势阱中准低维超冷原子系统具有维度任意和高度可调控性的特点,从连续可操控维度效应这个崭新视角,在理论上重点研究层梯式维度渡越效应对基本物理量和奇异现象的影响;我们拟深入理解束缚势阱影响准低维有效哈密顿量(有效相互作用势等)的物理机制,在此基础上阐明如何通过调控能量和特征长度的相互竞争引发层梯式维度渡越,细致划分参数区间并构造维度阶梯;为了研究各参数区间中维度效应对系统性质的影响,我们拟结合相干态路径积分解析方法和蒙特卡洛数值计算重点分析系统的态函数、元激发和关联函数,为观测维度效应和实现可调控性准低维超冷原子系统提供理论支持和设计实验方案;最后,我们拟利用可调性准低维冷原子气作为不同维度间的桥梁作用,对一些真实低维结构中的奇异现象作出合理预测
中文关键词: 冷原子;维度效应;光晶格;动力学结构因子;自选轨道耦合
英文摘要: The role of dimensionality figures prominately in quantum many-body physics. At low dimensions, remarkable and peculiar phenomena usually arise,stimulating tremendous research interests both theoretically and experimentally. The advent of ultracold atoms in tight confinement not only creates unprecedentedly new opportunities to investigate low-D behavior with highly configurable gases, it also opens fascinating new perspectives towards the understanding of dimensional effects. In this aspect, one particular important direction consists of investigating dimensional crossovers from three dimension to low dimensions via tunning the confinement parameter accross multiple intrinsic energy and length scales. Here, we propose a comprehensive theoretical research on the effects of hierarchical dimensional crossover in tunable quasi-low-dimensional quantum gases: First, we shall investigate how the tight confinement influences the nature of the effective low-D Hamiltonian, with particular focus on the scattering problem in the presence of various tight traps. Then, we describe how the system develops hierarchical dimensional crossovers via tunning the interplay among intrinsic energy and length scales, and identify characteristic dimensional crossover regimes. In each regime, we investigate the behavior of the quantum g
英文关键词: ultracold gas;dimensional effect;optical lattice;dynamical structure factor;spin-orbital coupling