项目名称: 我国双壳目粘孢子虫物种资源及关键类群的系统学研究
项目编号: No.31471980
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 赵元莙
作者单位: 重庆师范大学
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 以形态学与核糖体rDNA为分子标记开展双壳目粘孢子虫的物种资源和关键类群系统学的研究,可获得以下四方面成果: 1)弄清双壳目粘孢子虫的物种资源,重点弄清关键类群的种类及系统地位归属,并获新阶元。揭示形态分类所依据的特征在某种程度上能反应双壳目自然进化关系。 2)双壳目粘孢子虫的关键类群两极虫科的系统发育研究,选择淡水和海洋不同地理环境获得两极虫科所属相关种类的遗传多样性,对所获代表种进行序列比较分析,遗传距离分析,海淡水不同生态环境分布的两极虫科种类分化机制。 3)双壳目粘孢子虫的关键类群角形虫科的系统发育研究,揭示角形虫属与薄壳虫属以及球孢虫属之间的系统关系。为一些重要类群归属提供形态与分子综合标准。得出rDNA ITS 区用于种间分子界定的标准。 4) 分析双壳目粘孢子虫分子系统关系,揭示双壳目粘孢子虫在进化过程中海淡水寄主发生大的转移,从而扩大了双壳目粘孢子虫新物种的形成以及多样性。
中文关键词: 粘孢子虫;双壳目;物种资源;系统学;中国
英文摘要: This project will carry out the study on species resources and typical group's phylogeny based on the morphology and rDNA molecular markers, and four kinds of fruits will be acquired: 1) we will find out the myxosprean's species resources, especially the key groups and their phylogenetic positions, and acquire the new taxa, which can help to reveal the nature evolutionary relation in the order Bivalvulida. 2)The study of genetic diversity for some species belonging to the family Myxidiidae from freshwater and marine environments on the basis of sequences comparison, analysis of genetic distance can aid to explore the species differentiation mechanism. 3) Research on phylogeny for the key groups of family Ceratomyxidae can be helpful for learning the phylogenetic relationship in the three gernera including the genus Ceratjomyxa, Leptotheca and Sphaerospora, which supplies the comprehensive criterion including the morphological and molecular characters, especially the molecular criterion by using rDNA ITS region into species identification. 4) The project will uncover those myxosporean's big shift for their freshwater and marine hosts during their evolution process by analyzing the phylogenetic relationship for Bivalvulida species, thereby broadens the new species' formation and their diversity for Bivalvulida organisms.
英文关键词: myxosporean;Bivalvulida;species resource;phylogeny;China