项目名称: 含缺陷轻质点阵夹芯结构中弹性导波的传播特性研究
项目编号: No.11272041
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 汪越胜
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 轻质点阵夹芯结构在众多工业领域得到越来越广泛的应用,该申请项目拟针对无缺陷和含缺陷点阵夹芯板结构,考虑其芯体细观结构的周期性特点,建立弹性导波传播的理论分析模型,发展高效的计算方法和实验测量手段;对含有典型缺陷模式的若干常见结构进行详细的计算和实验研究;分析缺陷对导波传播特性的影响,获得对不同缺陷模式敏感的波动力学表征参量。主要研究内容包括:周期点阵夹芯板结构弹性导波传播问题的计算方法;无缺陷二维和三维点阵夹芯板结构的导波传播特性数值分析和实验测量;含缺陷二维和三维点阵夹芯板结构的导波传播特性分析。项目的研究成果将为发展轻质点阵夹芯板结构的超声无损检测技术奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 弹性波;轻质材料;点阵/格栅结构;缺陷;反常特性
英文摘要: Light lattice sandwich structures are being widely used in various engineering areas. The proposal will study the elastic guided waves propagating in the lattice sandwich plates without or with defects. The periodicity of the core structures will be taken into account to develop the analytical model, efficient numerical method and measurement technique. Detailed calculations and measurements will be performed for structures with some typical defects. The effects of the defects on the behavior of the guided waves are analyized to obtain the charactorizing parameters which are sensitive to the defects. The main contants include the computational method for the periodic lattice sandwich plates without or with defects; and numerical analysis and measurements of the guided waves in two-/three-dimensional lattice sandwich plates without/with defects. The researches will be relevant to the development of the nondestructive evaluation technique of the light lattice sandwich structures.
英文关键词: elastic wave;lightweight material;lattice structure;defect;anomalous property