项目名称: 大众生产的组织模式与网络机制研究:社会网络的视角与方法
项目编号: No.71272052
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 孟韬
作者单位: 东北财经大学
项目金额: 54万元
中文摘要: "大众生产"是在互联网信息技术环境下出现的一种新型的组织模式,即不依赖市场和层级制,众多利用互联网的参与者共同互动、协作而创造出产品与服务,尤其是知识产品。Linux系统、维基百科、百度百科等都是在该模式下高效地生产出的产品。大众生产提出了一个企业理论之"谜":成千上万的自愿者在没有正式组织结构、经济激励与合同约束的情况下,如何组织在一起并完成庞大而复杂的工作?本研究将大众生产系统看作是一个社会网络,运用社会网络理论与方法,通过对大众生产的网络拓扑结构特征、价值创造过程等分析,研究大众生产的组织模式和网络运行机制,探索大众生产的内在驱动力与竞争力,从而对以上问题作出理论解释。本研究是在新经济背景下对企业理论的丰富,是一项前沿的基础性研究。研究结果将有助于提高正在实施大众生产的中国企业的运作效率,促进广大中国企业熟悉并应用大众生产,推动组织模式、创新模式和商业模式的转型,加速知识创新和扩散。
中文关键词: 网络组织;大众生产;用户创新;价值共创;众包
英文摘要: Peer Production that means large-scale of participants create products or service, especially knowledge products by interaction and collaborations on the internet without reliance either on markets or managerial hierarchy is one new model of organization in the environment of Internet information technology. Linux,Wikipidea,Baidupidea etc. are the knowledge products produced by this model effectively. The emergence of Peer Production poses a puzzle for firm theory. How do the thousands of volunteers organize and implement complex and huge projects without the formal organizational structure, economical incentive and contract control? This research regards Peer Production as a social network and explores organizational model and network mechanism of Peer Production by applying the theory and methodology of social network with analysis of network topology structure and process of value creation in order to understand the intrinsic dynamics and competence of peer production and make theoretical explanation for the above question. The frontier and foundational research will enhance the theory of firm under the context of New Economy and push domestic research to be involved in the upsurge of this topic in the world. Our research also will be helpful to improve the operation productivity of the Chinese companies wh
英文关键词: Network Organization;Peer production;User innovation;Value Co-creation;Crowdsourcing