项目名称: 人口流动对艾滋病传播影响的动力学模型研究- - 以新疆艾滋病为例
项目编号: No.11261056
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 夏米西努尔·阿布都热合曼
作者单位: 新疆大学
项目金额: 45万元
中文摘要: 本项目研究人口流动影响下的艾滋病传播模型,主要有带有扩散的非线性自治常微分方程模型,带有扩散的非线性非自治常微分方程模型以及具有染病年龄结构的偏微分方程模型并利用非线性动力系统理论对这些模型的数学性质进行讨论,试图给出判定疾病灭绝或流行的比较容易验证的传染病阈值。着重研究人口流动因素对新疆艾滋病通过注射吸毒,性传播等途径,从高危人群向一般人群扩散中的作用。根据新疆艾滋病的实际数据估计模型中的主要参数,结合数学分析结论,计算机数值模拟,以及分析现采取的预防控制措施的作用等,试图预测新疆某些艾滋病流行较为严重地区的疾病流行趋势。我们将提出新疆艾滋病比较合理,有效,经济,可持续的预防控制策略,为制定政策部门提供有力的科学根据。
中文关键词: HIV模型;艾滋病模型;母婴传播;随机干扰;混合感染
英文摘要: In this project, we will study the models which consider the effects of population mouvements on the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic. We mainly study the nonlinear autonomous Ordinary Differential Equation models with diffusion, the nonlinear nonautonomous Ordinary Differential Equationmodels with diffusion, nonlinear Partially Differential Equation models with diffusion and infection age. Using the theories of nonlinear dynamical systems,we will study the basic mathematical properities of this models,and try to estabish some simple criteria which determines the extinction or the persistence of the disease. Especially,we will focus on the effects of population mouvements in the spread of HIV/AIDS in Xinjiang from high risk group to general population through the two major transmission routes ,injecting drug use and sexually transmission. Based on the actual data collected from HIV/AIDS in Xinjiang, first we will estimate the key parameters values of the established models, using the mathematical results,the computer aided numerical simulations,and the mesuring the roles of HIV/AIDS prevention programs already on the run, we will try to predict the future trends of the disease development in some heavly hit sites.We will also try to set out a report which could help to take more reasonable, more effective, more eco
英文关键词: HIV model;AIDS model;vertical transmission;stochastic perturbation;co-infection