项目名称: 荒漠景观自然遗产价值体系研究
项目编号: No.41301204
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 徐晓亮
作者单位: 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 本项目以荒漠景观自然遗产为研究对象,系统研究世界遗产委员会、世界自然保护联盟和世界保护监测中心相关工作文件和报告,提取荒漠景观自然遗产价值要素,运用景观生态学、荒漠学、遥感和地理信息系统的理论和方法,研究荒漠景观自然遗产价值要素作用机制。依据世界自然遗产突出普遍价值的评估标准,提取荒漠景观自然遗产潜在价值。基于自然遗产价值要素及其作用机制,提取评价因子、选取评价路径、构建评价框架,进行荒漠景观自然遗产价值评价研究。构建基于遗产价值构成和遗产价值评价的荒漠景观自然遗产价值体系,为其他荒漠景观自然遗产申报和加强遗产价值保护提供理论借鉴。以塔克拉玛干沙漠为研究区,通过实地考察,开展自然遗产资源科学基础研究。以荒漠景观自然遗产价值体系为理论指导,分析塔克拉玛干沙漠自然遗产价值构成要素,进行自然遗产价值评价研究,提出其全球突出普遍价值和入选标准,为申报世界自然遗产和加强遗产价值保护提供理论支撑。
中文关键词: 景观价值;景观多样性;景观要素;景观格局;景观评价
英文摘要: Natural heritage of desert landscape is the object of the project. By systematically study of the documents of WHC, IUCN and WCMC, values element of natural heritage of desert landscape are extracted. Based on theories and methods of landscape ecology, desert science and remote sense and GIS, their mechanism is analyzed. According to the criteria of OUV, the potential values of desert landscape are identified. Further, evaluating indicators, path and framework are clarified to form a value evaluation system of desert landscape heritage. In this way, value system of natural heritage is presented to be a theory reference of other desert to be inscribed on the WHL and the strengthened conservation as well. Through field investigation in case of Taklimakan Desert, scientific and basic study of natural heritage resources is developed. Guided by the value system of natural heritage of desert landscape, value elements of Taklimakan Desert are extracted, values are evaluated, OUV as well as its criteria to meet are clarified, which is significant for Taklimakan to be inscribed on the WHL.
英文关键词: landscape value;landscape diversity;landscape element;landscape pattern;landscape evaluation