项目名称: 相控电火花震源关键技术研究
项目编号: No.51277171
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 孙鹞鸿
作者单位: 中国科学院电工研究所
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 金属矿地震勘探技术在国内外均处于起步阶段,由于金属矿大部分成矿带均在造山带,地表和地下地质条件十分复杂,常规地震勘探技术(如炸药震源、可控震源、气枪震源和电火花震源等)已无法满足金属矿地震勘探的需要。采用相控阵技术,可使各震源形成的地震波集中指向某一方向,当遇到目标地层反射时,反射波束正好指向地面检波器阵列,检波器接收信号的信噪比提高,进而可以得到高分辨率的地震剖面图。本项目通过对相控电火花震源关键技术研究,获得多路脉冲电源高精度时序放电技术,通过研究放电电极的个数、放电介质、放电室结构对放电效率的影响,确定最优的地面换能器结构;通过理论分析与实验研究,获得在同步放电和时序放电条件下震源换能器直线排列和矩阵排列时的地震波传播特性,以及地震波传播速度、震源间距与放电时序间的对应关系。本项目的研究成果可以为我国的金属矿地震勘探系统的开发提供必要的基础参数。
中文关键词: 电晕放电;多电极;时序控制;换能器;地震勘探
英文摘要: At present metal ore seismic exploration technology is at the beginning stage both at home and abroad. Most of the metallogenic belt of metal ores are in the orogenic belt, the surface and subsurface geological conditions are very complicated, the conventional seismic exploration techniques (such as dynamite source, vibrator, airgun and the sparker etc.) can not meet the needs of the seismic exploration. The phased array technology can make the seismic wave focus in one direction, when the target stratum reflects, the reflection waves just point to the surface geophone array, so the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased, and then the high resolution seismic profile can be obtained. This project focused on the key technologies of the phased array sparker. Through this project, we can obtain multiplex pulsed power supply and high precision timing discharge technology, determine the optimal ground transducer structure through the experimental study of the discharge efficiency by changing the number of discharging electrodes, the discharging medium, the structure of the discharge chamber; also through theoretical analysis and experimental study, we can obtain the propagation characteristics of seismic waves under the synchronous discharge and timing discharge conditions with straight line arrangement and matrix arr
英文关键词: Corona discharge;Multi-tips electrode;Time sequence control;Transducer;Seismic exploration