项目名称: 负控高参与度下的微电网多时间尺度运行控制策略与方法
项目编号: No.51307023
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 窦晓波
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 由于存在间歇性电源,配备储能或后备电源并采取负荷控制是保证微电网稳定运行的必要措施。然而由于微电网的特殊性,大电网的常规负控方法并不完全适用,加之与分布式电源、储能运行控制和能量管理相脱节的研究状态使得现有负控方法已不能满足提升微电网运行管理水平和综合效益的需要。针对该问题,本项目将可控负荷、分布式电源和储能的协调控制作为主要研究对象,在研究源储荷特性的基础上提出了:微电网多时间尺度源储荷协调控制框架及其中的控制、支撑模型和一体化运行的机制,通过系统潜在功率缺额和小扰动试探法表征和分析微电网稳定裕度并在超短期调度环节实施微电网预警控制,通过储能与可控负荷的集成应用实现微电网柔性控制等思路和方法。通过本项目的研究,实现可控负荷、分布式电源和储能运行控制与能量管理的多时间尺度整合,可控负荷能够发挥更主动和更灵活的调节作用,有助于微电网安全稳定运行,降低对储能或电源的备用需求,提高系统综合效益。
中文关键词: 微电网;能量管理;负荷高参与度;多时间尺度;
英文摘要: Since some renewable energy is intermittent and random, installing the energy storages or backup generators, and implementing the load shedding are the essential measures to maintain the microgrid working stability. In contrast to the research on the distributed generators and energy storages, the research on the load shedding is a weakness due to the unique characteristics of microgrid and the lack of the cooperative controls with the generators and storages. In this proposal, a multi-time scale cooperative control strategy is presented based on the character analysis on the distributed generators, energy storages and loads in microgrid. The main contents proposed are as follows: 1) the organizational structure, control models, algorithm models and operating mechanisms of the proposed strategy, 2) the descriptions and analytical methods on the stability margin of microgrid by using the criteria of the latency power shortage and initiative small perturbation, and the warning control of microgrid during the stage of the ultra-short-term dispatch, 3) the flexible control of microgrid based on the integration of the energy storages and interruptible loads, and so on. The proposed strategy and methods can integrate the controls and managements of distributed generators, energy storages and interruptible loads, and m
英文关键词: microgrid;energy management;high participation of loads;multi-time scale;