项目名称: 基于全局尺寸的超精密气静压轴径向气膜厚度设计与控制技术研究
项目编号: No.51475485
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 赵则祥
作者单位: 中原工学院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 超精密气静压轴是超精密机床与测量仪器的关键部件之一,由于对其回转精度和刚度要求越来越高,传统的公差设计和工艺已不能适应超精密气静压轴设计和批量制造的需要。本项目采用仿真和试验方法,通过对超精密气静压径向轴承和与其相配轴的全局尺寸要素的提取和评定,研究孔、轴全局尺寸要素提取路径及其特征参数的优化、全局尺寸对超精密气静压轴性能的影响等问题,获得全局尺寸要素提取优化的路径及其特征参数,建立基于全局尺寸的超精密气静压轴性能影响评价模型和全局尺寸公差优化设计模型;按不同气膜厚度要求,采用全局尺寸公差优化设计模型,对超精密气静压径向轴承进行设计制造,在气静压轴性能试验台上进行试验,根据试验结果,修正超精密气静压轴性能评价和全局尺寸公差优化设计等模型;采用组合装配工艺,研究批量生产中超精密气静压轴径向气膜厚度一致性控制技术。本项目对提高超精密气静压轴的设计与批量制造能力具有重要的科学研究意义与实用价值。
中文关键词: 产品几何技术规范;公差设计;气静压轴;全局尺寸;气膜
英文摘要: Ultra precision aerostatic bearing spindle is one of the key parts of ultra precision meachine tools and measuring instruments. Owing to that the rotary accuracy and stiffness of the aerostatic bearing spindle is higher and higher,the conventional tolerance design method and manufacturing process are not suitable for the need of design and batch manufacturing of ultra aerostatic bearing spindles. Based on simulation and experimental methods, through the global size feature extraction and evaluation of the ultra aerostatic radial bearing's hole and its suitable shaft, some issues on optimization of the global size feature extraction paths of hole and shaft and their characteristic parameters, and the influence of the global sizes on the performances of ultra precision aerostatic bearing spindle, and so on, will be studied. The optimal extraction path and its characteristic parameters of the global size will be gained, and the evaluation model of the effects of global sizes on the performaces and the optimal tolerance design model of ultra precision aerostatic bearing spindle may be built. According to the requirement of the different gas file thicknesses, based on the optimal telerance design model of global sizes, some samples of ultra aerostatic radial bearing are designed and manufactured. According to the tested results of the bearings' performances on the test-bed of the aerostatic bearing spindle's performances, the models of the performances' evaluation and the optimal global size tolerance design of ultra precision aerostatic bearing spindle may be modified. Through the grouped assembly process, the uniformity control technique of the radial gas film thickness of ultra precision aerostatic bearing spindle will be researched. The project may has important scientific significance and practical value for improving the design and batch manufacturing capability of ultra aerostatic bearing spindles.
英文关键词: Geometrical Product Specifications;Tolerance design;Aerostatic bearing spindle;Global sizes;Gas film