项目名称: 多自由度大位移磁悬浮系统精密运动控制研究
项目编号: No.50875206
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 梅雪松
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 本项目开展了多自由度大位移磁悬浮系统精密运动控制的研究工作,完成了多自由度磁悬浮平台的研制开发,并针对该悬浮平台进行了实验研究。首先我们发现了电磁线圈所产生的电磁力波动规律:电磁线圈与衔铁的距离小于一定范围以内,其非线性特性急剧增强;其次针对该电磁力波动规律,设计了非线性鲁棒解耦控制算法,该控制算法可以实现磁悬浮平台在竖直方向上的稳定控制,并保证其良好的悬浮鲁棒控制性能,实验表明基于该算法控制的悬浮平台即使其重心偏离电磁衔铁较远仍能实现稳定悬浮。实验与理论表明良好的解耦控制算法在磁悬浮平开开发中是关键技术。第三,由于U型电磁线圈的耦合影响,用于水平驱动的永磁体恒定磁场在竖直方向上的衰减率远小于初始设计。因此经过多次试验表明,该因素导致磁悬浮平台在水平方向上的驱动效应并不明显。在将来的研究中应考虑到电磁铁与永磁铁磁场的耦合效应,研究更好的永磁体恒定磁场的设计方案以保证竖直方向上较大的磁场衰减率。最后,完成了控制平台的软硬件搭建与集成,采用windows+RTX方式实现悬浮平台的实时精确定时,能够对运动悬浮平台进行实时的控制、检测与在线参数调整。
中文关键词: 磁悬浮;非线性控制;电磁力;解耦控制
英文摘要: In this study, we completed the research and development of multi-DOF maglev platform and performed the experimental studies on this platform. First, we found out the fluctuation laws of the electromagnetic force generated by electromagnetic coil: if the disctance between electromagnet and iron plate is small enough, the nonlinearty of the electromagnetic force will dramaticly increase. Then we designed a nonlinear robust decoupling control algorithm considering this electromagnetic force fluctuation. This algorithm can achieve stability control of the magnetic levitation platform in the vertical direction, and ensure a good robust control performance. Experiments and theory show that good decoupling control algorithm is the key to the development of maglev platform. Third, since the U-shaped magnetic coil coupling effects, the decay rate of the permanent magnet's constant magnetic field used for horizontal driving is much smaller in the vertical direction than the initial design. So several tests showed that this factor made the driving effect of magnetic platform not obvious in the horizontal direction .In future studies, better design of permanent magnet's constant magnetic field should be considered. Finally, the integrated soft and hard platform for the maglev control are completed.This solution applies Windows+RTX to ensure real time control for the maglev. Moreover, with the integrated control platform, the online control parameter tunning and control can be achieved.
英文关键词: magnetic levitation;nonlinear control; electromagnetic force; decoupling control