项目名称: 煤系针状焦生产中混合油性质与针状焦组织结构研究
项目编号: No.U1361126
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 赵雪飞
作者单位: 辽宁科技大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 为了提高国产煤系针状焦质量,完善具有自主知识产权的针状焦生产技术,本项目从生产实际中提炼出制约针状焦质量的瓶颈问题,开展相关研究工作。针状焦实际生产过程中进入焦化塔成焦的物料是煤焦油精制软沥青和高温焦化油气冷凝的重组分组成的混合油,混合油的族组成、分子量分布和分子平均结构直接控制着液相炭化过程中芳烃平面大分子的自组装成纤能力。通过调配精制软沥青与高温焦化油气冷凝液的配比,获得性质不同的混合油。从分析混合油的组成、结构和成焦性能入手,研究混合油组成、结构及性质对针状焦质量的影响规律,确定混合油族组成及分子量分布的调控范围;在研究混合油的常压/加压液相炭化成焦行为及热解动力学的基础上,揭示针状焦的显微结构与混合油组成、结构特征及液相炭化特性的内在关系,建立延迟焦化工艺中混合油性质与针状焦性能间的定性、定量关系,阐明提高针状焦质量的方法。为提高我国煤系针状焦质量提供理论依据和关键技术支持。
中文关键词: 针状焦;混合油;族组成;结构;成焦机理
英文摘要: In order to enhance the quality of domestic coal-based needle coke and improve and perfect needle coke production technology with independent intellectual property rights, this project extracted bottleneck problems which restrict the quality of needle coke from its industrial production and carry out relevant research works. In the industrial production of needle coke, the material pumped into the coking tower is a kind of mixed oil which consists of a coal tar refined soft pitch and condensate heavy components of high temperature coking oil gas. The fiber-forming ability of aromatic plane macromolecule is directly controlled by the group composition, molecular weight distribution, and average molecular structure of the mixed oil in the liquid phase carbonization process. The mixed oil with different properties was obtained by regulating and controlling the ratio between refined soft pitch and the condensate of high temperature coking oil gas. Starting from the compositions, the structures and the coking properties of mixed oil, the project studied effects of the compositions, the structures and the properties of mixed oil on the quality of needle coke and determined the group composition and the adjustment range of molecular weight distribution of mixed oil. Based on research the liquid phase carbonization coki
英文关键词: Needle coke;Mixed oil;Group composition;Structure;Coking mechanism