项目名称: 基于多源观测资料的长江源区水文过程气候变化响应研究
项目编号: No.41471084
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 张文江
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 长江源区是我国青藏高原生态安全屏障极为重要的组成部分,其生态水文意义显著;地处高原腹地的生态地理过渡带,又是青藏高原对气候变化的敏感区之一。但该区域地表系统空间异质性强,单一或有限的观测手段不能有效揭示其水文过程的空间分异,因此本项目将以水文过程的空间分异为立足点,利用优势互补的多源观测及同化模拟再分析资料,研究长江源区水文过程的气候响应机制,该工作将对长江源区的生态保护有实际参考价值。..基于该研究思路,本项目将:首先,尺度融合并校正多源观测及模拟资料;然后,构建长江源区时空连续的5km栅格地表水量平衡,并在布曲/沱沱河/整个源区3个尺度进行验证;进而,检验长江源区水文过程变化的控制要素,分析相关地表因子及径流的变化趋势;最后,通过分析长江源区蒸散发/地表冻融/流域径流等对气候变化(气温/辐射/降水)的敏感性及空间分异,解析长江源区水文过程对气候变化的响应机制。
中文关键词: 气候变化;遥感监测;水文过程;长江源区;多源观测
英文摘要: The Yangtze River Source Region (YSR) is one of the most important regions of National Ecological Security Shelter Zone on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). However, YSR lies as the transition region of the inner TP eco-geographical regions, so it is sensitive to climate change due to its distinct spatial heterogeneities in land surface processes. As such heterogeneities can not be efficiently fetched by single or limited observation means, this study is to make full uses of multi-observed and reanalyzed data to describe the spatial and temporal variations of land surface parameters, so as to help explaining the hydrological response of the YSR to climate change. Firstly, the multi-observed and reanalyzed data will be scale-integrated to construct the water balance of 5-km grids, which will be examined at the scales of Dangqu watershed, Tuotuohe watershed and the whole YSR watershed by hydrological gauge records. Then, the land surface elements controlling the YSR hydrological process will be examined, and the temporal trend of discharge and related parameters will be explored to reveal the associations of land surface conditions with climate change. Finally, the sensitivities of water balance components to climate change in terms of air temperature, solar radiance and precipitation will be further examined. In such way, the hydrological response mechanism of the YSR to climate change and its spatial heterogeneity in the YSR is promising to be revealed.
英文关键词: climate change;remote sensing;hydrological process;Yangtze River Source;multi-observed