项目名称: 大豆蛋白功能材料的设计、制备及应用
项目编号: No.21274028
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈新
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 大豆蛋白是一种来源丰富、绿色环保并且可再生的天然高分子资源,但是由于其力学性能较差且对水有较强的敏感性,因此在材料领域中的应用远没有纤维素、甲壳素/壳聚糖等多糖类以及丝蛋白、胶原蛋白等蛋白质类天然高分子来得广泛。本项目拟从大豆蛋白分子链构象和聚集态结构出发,在对大豆蛋白进行充分表征的基础上,通过对其多肽链上特定氨基酸残基进行适当化学改性,在不改变大豆蛋白基本性质的前提下,破坏其原有的球蛋白结构,使其多肽链呈现较为伸展的状态,从根本上提高大豆蛋白材料的力学性能并改善其在水环境下的稳定性。在此基础上,制备三种大豆蛋白功能材料:(1)用于分离蛋白质或其他生物分子的膜色谱材料;(2)具有pH和电场敏感性的智能水凝胶;(3)用于神经或组织修复的多孔支架。本项目的特点在于期望从蛋白质的二级和三级结构入手,有的放矢地开展化学改性工作,设计几种具有明确功能的大豆蛋白材料,拓展大豆蛋白在材料领域的应用范围。
中文关键词: 大豆蛋白;化学改性;力学性能;功能材料;非生理活性蛋白质
英文摘要: Soy protein is an environmental friendly and renewable natural polymer that has abundant resource. However, the applications of soy protein in the material field are far more less than other natural polymers like cellulose, chitin/chitosan, silk fibroin, and collagan because of its poor mechanical properties and high water sensitivity.The basic idea of this project is to improve the mechanical properties and reduce the water sensitivity of soy protein materials by controllable chemical modification on the specific amino acid residues in the soy protein chains,destroying the tertiary structures as the global protein and extending their polypeptide chains. Such chemical modifications will be conducted on the basis of the full characterizations of soy protein structures and will keep the fundermental properties of soy protein itself. Based on the successful modification of soy protein, three kinds of soy protein functional material will be prepared, including 1) membrane chromatography matrix materials on the separation of protein or other biomolecules; b) pH sensitive and electroactive hydrogels; c) macroporous scaffolds on the nerve and tissue repairing.In conclusion, the highlight of this project is to design several soy protein materials with specific functionality and expand the application area of soy protein
英文关键词: soy protein isolate;chemical modification;mechanical properties;functional materials;non-bioactive proteins