项目名称: 复杂网络的混合变速增长模型及其应用研究
项目编号: No.60874087
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 方锦清
作者单位: 中国原子能科学研究院
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 本项目基于我们对"大自然和人类社会是一个随机性与确定性混合的统一世界"的认识,提出了一种统一混合网络的理论体系(包括:双择优混合、大统一混合和变速增长混合),目的是探索混合网络的定性与定量演化规律、拓扑与动力学之间的关系。主要完成的课题和进展有:应用混合理论体系中引入的3个混合比与广义Farey金字塔节点3位序值相对应,架起混合理论体系与广义Farey金字塔之间的桥梁;揭示了网络金字塔的复杂性与简单性、普适性与多样性之间关系;统一混合模型的拓扑特性和动力学复杂性及其关系,不同混合比即不同工作模式对网络同步能力的影响;不同混合比下出现的度分布在广延指数分布与无标度特性(幂律)形式之间的转变特点。 研究成果表现在:2011年出版了一部专著:网络科学与统计物理方法;发表英文论文12篇,其中SCI收录14篇,发表中文论文38篇;国内外会议大会邀请报告16次,分会报告18次;专题邀请讲座(含高校和院所邀请报告)14个;入编有关编著的文章2篇;科普文章6篇;同时成功组织了第五届、第六届和第七届全国网络科学论坛。这些成果和学术交流在我国网络科学领域都产生了广泛良好的影响。
中文关键词: 一混合网络理论体系;4个混合比;同步能力;复杂性
英文摘要: This project is based on our view of the unification hybrid world with both determinism and randomness, and we propose one theoretical fram on unifying hybrid network models(include: a harmonious unifying hybrid preferential model, the large unification hybrid network model and the large unified hybrid variable growth model).Purpose is to explore the evolution features of the hybrid network system and relation between topology and dynamics.Main progresses are as follows: 3 hybrid ratios correspond to 3 values of node in Generalized Farey and set up bridge between them;reavel transition relation between complexity and simplity as well as both universality and diversity; Effects of 4 hybrid ratios on synchronization ability are studied. Main achivements invlude one monograph "Nwtwork Science and Statistical Physics Methos"(2011,Beijing University Press),12 English research papers with 14 SCI index,38 Chinese articles, 16 invited plenary speech,18 oral presentation,14 invitation lectures,9 popularization of science and other papers. We organized 2 China forum on Network Science successfully. These results and academic exchanges have produced very good effect on Chinese Network Science field.
英文关键词: Unifying hybrid network theory fram;4 hybrid ratios;synchronization ability; complexity