项目名称: 自适应精度的可信RFID管理关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61472211
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 苗欣
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 标签计数是规模化RFID系统管理的核心技术。一方面,标签计数能提供重要的统计信息以供决策;另一方面,标签计数也是真假标签识别、丢失标签查询等其他管理协议的基石。然而,已有的计数方法在追求精度不断提升的同时,往往忽视了以下两个事实:(1)不同应用的精度要求存在差异性;(2)计数协议的统计结果需要可信度。忽略这两点而片面的追求计数效率和精度的提升会导致计算资源的极大浪费和计数结果的不可用。本项目拟就自适应精度的可信标签计数理论展开研究,同时依此为基础研究标签估数、批量验证的系统管理协议,突破现有协议精度不可调、结果不可信、协议不可扩展的限制,并在大规模的实际系统中部署运行,具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。
中文关键词: 射频识别技术;物联网技术
英文摘要: Estimating the number of RFID tags is of great importance in the management of large-scale RFID systems. On one hand, it can provide meaningful statistics for the sysmtem operators to make decisions; on the other hand, it is a building block of many other services like batch authentication and missing tag detection. Existing solutions, however, overlook two important facts: First, different applicaions demand different accuracy levels; Second, the results should be trustworthy. Ingoring these two facts in desiging the protocols may cause great waste on computation resources. In this project, we aim to study the theory of estimating the number of RFID tags with arbitrary accuracy and confidence. Based on the theory, we will further desing protocols on cardinality estimation and batch authentication. We will also deploy our protocol in real systems to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency.
英文关键词: RFID;Internet of Things