项目名称: 风电场对民航气象雷达的影响评估与干扰抑制技术研究
项目编号: No.U1533110
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 何炜琨
作者单位: 中国民航大学
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 作为清洁能源的一种形式,风力发电目前在全世界受到高度关注。国外研究表明,风电场可能对民航气象雷达产生严重影响,影响民航气象观测和气象预报的准确性。近年来我国风力发电装机容量呈指数增长,总装机容量2010年起稳居世界第一位,风电场影响民航气象雷达的可能性正在不断增大。本项目一方面研究如何评估风电场对民航气象雷达的影响,另一方面研究如何抑制风电场对民航气象雷达的干扰。项目主要研究内容包括:民航气象雷达的风电场干扰建模;民航气象雷达的风电场干扰评估;民航气象雷达的风电场干扰抑制。本项目研究将填补我国在该领域的研究空白,在保障民航气象观测和气象预报的准确性,进而保障民航飞行安全、减少航班延误、提高民航运行效益方面发挥重要作用。
中文关键词: 回波仿真;回波特征提取;干扰抑制
英文摘要: As a source of clean energy wind power has attracted great interests around the world. Recent research reveals that wind farms have serious impacts on civil aviation meteorological radars, which may affect the accuracy of the meteorological observation and weather forecast. In recent years the capacity of installed wind farms in China has increased exponentially and the total capacity leaped to the first place in the world from 2010. Consequently, wind farms tend to be a larger threat to meteorological radars. In this project we will study on how to assess the wind farm’s impacts on civil aviation meteorological radars and how to suppress the wind farm’s interference on civil aviation meteorological radars. Within this framework we will do research on these three topics: the modeling of wind farm’s interference for civil aviation meteorological radars, the assessment of wind farm’s interference for civil aviation meteorological radars, the suppression of wind farm’s interference for civil aviation meteorological radars. Our work will fill the blanks of related field in China. The work is valuable for guaranteeing the accuracy of the meteorological observation and weather forecast in civil aviation and will play an important role in guaranteeing the flight safety, decreasing the scheduled flight delay and improving the operation benefits in civil aviation.
英文关键词: Echo simulation;Echo feature extraction;Interference suppression