人生与追忆 | 一代宗师 吾辈楷模 神仙眷侣 天堂安息

2020 年 4 月 30 日 视觉求索


一代宗师 吾辈楷模 

神仙眷侣 天堂安息

 沈向洋Harry Shum

(Tommy wrote his FB post on Jan 30, 2020, three days after Margaret passed away. With Ka Yan’s help, I translated this post to Chinese after Tom passed away on April 25, 2020. 注:原文是小Tom Huang在Margaret的追思会上的致辞。Harry在家恩的帮助下翻译的。)


Years ago, the man and woman met over a slide rule. He was one of her classmates at the university in Taiwan, in charge of selling the instruments. She reserved one, even paid him some money. But when the time came, another student delivered the slide rule.



Several months passed. Then she received a letter. The young man wanted to know whether she'd like to see a movie. She was being courted by several men, including a military officer who'd seen her dance in a performance for the troops.



But the young man seemed different from the rest. Her friends checked on him. Reports came back that he was an honest man.



On the day of their date, the young man surprised her by picking her up in a rickshaw. A servant took them to the man's home. The young woman was beside herself — their first date, and he was already introducing her to his parents?



The man's mother was still asleep after a night of mahjong. The mother woke up, shocked that her son had brought a pretty girl home. She hurried to the market and then cooked a meal of crab meat and eggs.



After lunch, the young man and woman took a train from Taipei to Keelung, a port city to the northeast. They watched a movie, The Student Prince, a musical. The movie had subtitles, but the young man understood quite a bit of the English.



Leaving the theater, they wandered the nightscape of the city, walking up a hill. They talked for a long time, because they didn't know each other well. On the train ride home, the carriage kept lurching. The young woman hit her head on the compartment wall. The young man put his hand behind her head to protect her.



One morning, six decades later, the man and woman walk through the corridors of the assisted-living center. On most days, the man pushes the woman in a wheelchair. But today the woman walks, slowly but surely, with the help of a walker.



They pass a resident who clasps her hands above her head in a sign of victory. "You're walking!" the resident says. "How wonderful!"



When they return to their room, the man and woman prepare to take a nap.


But before retiring, they begin to dance. The woman still has trouble with her balance.



But they are moving together, counting 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, their steps tracing a square.



And their dance becomes an embrace.



And their embrace becomes a kiss.




陳家恩 2020年4月29日 於西雅圖


It has been days since Greg’s call delivering the sad news that Tom passed away, yet I still cannot internalize the fact that both Tom and Margaret have left us.  I wish so earnestly that it is just a bad dream that we can eventually wake up from.  We were good friends despite our generational difference; Tom and Margaret were about the same age as my parents, and Tom was an accomplished academician.  Tom and Margaret were inseparable.  Margaret was there wherever Tom went, whether for conferences, academic visits, or reward ceremonies. Tom was Margaret’s “darling”, and Margaret was Tom’s “honey”.  For years, we admired how deeply they were in love and aspired one day we could travel together all over the world like they did.  Later on we got this wish as we had the honor to travel with Tom and Margaret, along with our other best friends Prof Wen Gao and Qing Zhang to many different places such as Nice in 2003 and Dalian in 2005.


Hong Qiao Market in Beijing has a floor just for selling jewelry, with all kinds of pearls and other trinkets as far as the eye can see. Whenever Margaret visited Beijing, we would go to Hong Qiao together and she would visit Jenny at Ye Mingzhu, and not once did she leave empty handed. When I was young, I did not understand why Margaret would need another ring, another bracelet, or another necklace.  She would go to Hong Qiao and haggle for hours on end, chitchatting with Jenny for whole afternoons. In the end she would always pick something, because she did not want to let people down. I later realized she went to Hong Qiao more for the social experience. Haggling was her way of connecting with the locals, the culture and by extension the city.  After she got to know Jenny well, she went to Hong Qiao more often just to sit and talk, like an old friend.


Margaret also loved to buy clothes.  She liked to visit the century-old store of Refosian.  She would pick a soft and silky fabric, and she always went in with her own design.  She became good friends with the tailor as well, and after the dresses or qipao were made, the old tailor would hand deliver them to Margaret’s hotel.  Margaret lived life like an aristocratic Chinese lady in the past century.  Coupling a sharp fashion sense with impeccable taste, she loved to design simple and elegant dresses with extreme attention to detail. Margaret was unabashed in her femininity, standing out no matter the occasion. She always kept her hair long and neatly combed behind her ears.  A dash of lipstick was all she wore on her face, but her fair complexion and dignified air were all that were needed to make her shine.  No matter where Margaret went, she would appear in various beautiful dresses or skirts, with a pair of high heels.  Perhaps wrapped under a scarf, or clothed in a long woolen waisted jacket, she always reminded me of what a heroine from an English romantic novel might look like.


Margaret loved to window-shop inside malls. When she was younger this was to avoid the sun, but later on it was her way to get some exercise. We spent quite a bit of time walking in malls together in Bellevue, after Tom recovered from his cancer treatment in 2013, and in Hong Kong after Margaret recovered from her fall in 2014. On both occasions we were accompanied by their elder son Tommy. I was amazed at Tommy’s patience and attentiveness after flying 14 hours from his home in Dallas to Hong Kong. During these excursions we would walk loops of the mall, through aisles and aisles of mostly women’s clothing, and leave without having bought anything at all. But we both knew instead of the clothes, the mall was merely a backdrop for Margaret to walk, talk, and feel like herself.  Perhaps deep down we wanted to indulge her, because both of us sensed, it might be the last time they could make long trips, and to Hong Kong.  The previous time we were in Hong Kong together was in 2006. That time, Professor Quan Long at HKUST hosted us, Tom and Margaret, Mr and Mrs Songde Ma, and Prof and Mrs Wen Gao. We were pleasantly surprised to find out the four computer vision researchers were born exactly ten years apart.  We made a plan to meet again in 2016 in Hong Kong to celebrate Tom’s 80th birthday. Unfortunately, that 2014 trip to Hong Kong was the last international trip Tom and Margaret managed to take together.


Margaret had an exceptional memory, and she was very perceptive and empathetic.  Despite the number of colleagues, friends and students she met while travelling with Tom, she knew each and every one well and cared about each of their families.  She could remember every little detail in each encounter.  After all these years, she could still recall where we first met, what I was wearing and what we talked about.  Every time she visited us in Beijing, she took great care to bring a small but meaningful gift from her other trips, whether it was a hand-printed handkerchief from Japan, a silk scarf, or a one-of-a-kind purse.  We talked for hours on end, and she felt sorry I did not pursue an academic career, despite my doctorate degree.  Was she also lamenting her own sacrifice for her family?  I have no doubt had Margaret chosen a career, her accomplishments would have been no less successful than Tom’s.


After we left Beijing, it was not easy to find opportunities to get together.  Margaret was kind enough to keep in touch over phone calls.  Over our weekly calls, we would update each other of our lives.  She told me about Tom’s illness, her car accident, the anxiety she got from the new generation of car technology in her BMW.  She told me about her annual reunion with her own family which happened when her aging mother was still in good health.  I admired her family’s good genes, and secretly wished Margaret would also live to at least a hundred, just like her mother.  She would proudly mention how her older son was an Editor-in-Chief of the Dallas Morning News, and how cute her young grandchildren were.  After she sustained a fall and moved to assisted living, she would tell me about her physical therapy, and how she felt encouraged if she made progress, but often that the exercises were difficult for her.  She would tell me about the movie she watched with Tom together, or how she looked forward to their weekly outings to an outside restaurant.  She would ask about our children, and rejoiced with us when our children got accepted by the colleges of their choice.


At the end of our calls, Margaret would keep telling me “I love you” as if there was no next time, and she would promise to call in a week.  Her health had taken a downturn since her fall in 2014, and  I felt terrified when she told me how much it hurt when a closing car door slammed on her leg.  Even as she grew older, she always put Tom’s welfare over her own.  Over the years, her anxiety over Tom’s health had kept her awake most nights, so much so she had chronic insomnia.  I suggested spending more time outside during the day or some sunlight might provide some relief.  But these remedies offered little help since they did not treat the root of the problem.


November 2019 was the last time we saw Tom and Margaret in person.  It was a weekend in early November, and Chicago was windy as always.  The dashboard on our rental car showed a frigid 19 degrees Fahrenheit on the late night drive to Champaign.  I visualized how we would meet again.  After all, a lot had happened since we met five years prior.  Margaret’s hearing had deteriorated in the past year and we could not keep up with our calls.  On Saturday, Honghui and Tom’s students at UIUC took us to their assisted living home.  Both Tom and Margaret looked well, and were happy to see us.  Margaret held my hands and wanted to fill me in everything in the past year.  There was so much to say that it was difficult to know where to start from.  She held her head against mine for a long time.  I could not bear to imagine, under her frail and shrunken body, what she had endured both physically and mentally in these past years.  I knew Margaret would rather we remember her genuine, passionate, and kind-hearted nature.


Tom dedicated his life to educating the next generation and was humble to a fault. During the Zoom call organized by their children on his last day, many of his students, now all highly acclaimed in their own colleges, recalled how modest Tom was despite his outstanding achievements, and recalled the selfless ways Tom had helped them in their career. Tom once declared, “A good soldier dies in the battlefield, and a good professor dies in the lecture hall.” He exemplified this decree, still actively advising students after already graduating over 100 PhD candidates in his career. We celebrated Tom, recalling the ways he had inspired so many over the last 60 years. We did not realize then that the celebration of Tom’s life would turn out to be his farewell as well, but we know that Tom’s academic legacy will continue to live on and inspire many more generations to come. Tom and Margaret passed away peacefully, surrounded by their beloved family and their closest friends.  We are blessed to have been part of their lives.


Goodbye, Tom and Margaret.  There is no illness and suffering in Heaven, only joy and peace. Instead of thinking of us having parted, I would rather believe you are keeping an eye out for us on the other side, until we meet again.





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