项目名称: 基于超视锐度机理的图像超分辨率重构
项目编号: No.60872096
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 石爱业
作者单位: 河海大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 借鉴昆虫复眼的信息处理及昆虫视觉的超视锐度机理,研究基于虚拟复眼"映射"策略、超 视锐度机理、自适应配准和生物神经网络并行计算的图像超分辨率重构方法和技术,以克 服非生物机制的常规重构方法的不足。研究内容包括:(1)序列图像的超分辨率蝇类昆虫 视觉仿生重构系统模式(型)。(2)"小眼"图像自适应配准与数据的预处理。(3)基于 超视锐度机理和神经网络重构算法。(4)基于蝇类昆虫视觉系统"池细胞"方式的数据动态 更新及数据缺失的调度管理算法。(5)虚拟的蝇类昆虫视觉仿生超分辨率重构系统仿真中 的关键技术。
中文关键词: 图像处理;智能信息处理;超分辨率重构;仿生复眼;超视锐度
英文摘要: The compound eyes and their hyperacuity of flying insects are highly efficient at processing received information. The research aims to imitate this action and put out the superresolution reconstruction(SRR) methods based on virtual compound eye, hyperacuity,adaptive registration and neural network so as to overcome the shortcomings of the ordinary SRR methods. Work covered in the project includes: SRR techniques and model of sequences images based on the hyperacuity of insect, virtual ommatidium images adaptive registration and data preprocessing, SRR methods based on hyperacuity and neural network, dynamic data updating algorithm and scheduling algorithm of data lack, and key techniques of SRR simulation of virtual insect vision.
英文关键词: imge processing;intelligent information processing;superresolution reconstruction;bionic compound eye;hyperacuity