项目名称: 编撰并出版中国植物化石图鉴
项目编号: No.41320002
项目类型: 专项基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 徐洪河
作者单位: 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 立足于古植物学界多年来的研究成果,编撰并出版《中国植物化石图鉴》,向公众介绍中国产出的各种植物化石,宣传古生物学、进化生物学和地质学等领域的基础科学知识。本书由专业的古植物学科研人员和科普工作者所撰写,所有文字和图片均为原创性内容。该书将,1)弥补中国长期以来缺乏介绍和鉴赏化石图文资料方面的不足;2)利于科学传播,在鉴赏精美化石的过程中传播科学知识;3)增进公众对基础科学的了解,让纳税人享受到科学的成果;4)培养科学的后继力量。本书除了介绍和鉴赏化石以外,还将介绍与植物化石相关的知识以及古植物学领域的热点问题。全书约15万字,原创性的化石图片或插图约150幅。
中文关键词: 化石;科普;图书;古生物学;
英文摘要: Based on researching results in the past few decades, we hope to edit and publish Chinese Plant Fossil Illustrations, through the book of which, we introduce the public a variety of plant fossils from China and concepts of palaeontology, evolution and basic geology. The authors are professional palaeobotanists and popularizers of science, the text and all figures of the book are original contents. This book will 1) cover the long time shortage of Chinese fossil introductions and appreciation illustrations; 2) benefit the popularizing science in the process of illustrating and appreciating well-preserved fossils; 3) promote the public understanding to the basic Earth Science and share the researching results with tax-payers; 4) cultivate the potential and subsequent power of the basic Earth Science from the public. Besides the illustrations and appreciations of fossils, the book will also introduce some hot issues of palaeobotany. The whole book has a total of about 150 000 words and 150 original photos or drawings.
英文关键词: fossil;popular science;book;palaeontology;