俄勒冈大学领导的一项研究分析比较了帕金森患者和健康人的未经过滤的 β 脑波,发现了帕金森病标志物的新线索。
来源 University of Oregon
翻译 页一
审校 刘悦晨
编辑 戚译引
β 波是人的四种基本脑波之一。研究人员在分析头皮脑电图(scalp electroencephalograms)未经过滤的原始数据时发现,β 脑波呈现的特定角度和尖锐程度可能与帕金森病有关。
“通过这个安全且经济的方法来测量和量化大脑活动,我们能够区分出帕金森患者在用药和不用药时的差别,并可以同健康人进行比较,”这项研究的首席研究员,俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)人类生理学系的妮可·斯万(Nicole Swann)说道。
斯万说,在此之前用脑电图检测帕金森病的研究方法与这一新方法有所不同,因为此前的关注重点一直被放在将大脑信号建模为正弦波的方法上,即对 β 波进行过滤,以调整波形,并显示周期性振荡的总体强度。然而,类似本研究提出的方法此前需要依靠手术植入大脑的电极,才能发现 β 波的变化与帕金森病的关联。
本次研究的数据来自加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego),包含过去收集的 15 名帕金森患者和 16 名健康的对照组参与者的头皮脑电图数据,研究对数据进行了新的分析。斯万把重点放在了原始的未经过滤的 β 波上,寻找振动中特殊的角度和完整的波形。论文的共同作者斯科特·科尔(Scott Cole)是加州大学圣地亚哥分校 2017 年的一名博士生,他注意到帕金森氏症患者似乎有尖锐的脑电波,这表明他们有必要重新审视这些数据。
本研究的共同作者布拉德利·沃泰克(Bradley Voytek)说,目前对帕金森病的治疗方法包括手术永久植入电刺激器或药物治疗,这两种方法的剂量都很难控制,往往导致令人沮丧的治疗效果循环。沃泰克是加州大学圣地亚哥分校的神经科学家,科尔获得博士学位之后曾在他的实验室工作。
【标题】Characteristics of Waveform Shape in Parkinson’s Disease Detected with Scalp Electroencephalography
【作者】Nicko Jackson, Scott R. Cole, Bradley Voytek and Nicole C. Swann
【时间】2019 年 5 月 20 日
【摘要】Neural activity in the beta frequency range (13-30 Hz) is excessively synchronized in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Previous work using invasive intracranial recordings and non-invasive scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has shown that correlations between beta phase and broad-band gamma amplitude (i.e., phase amplitude coupling) are elevated in PD, perhaps a reflection of this synchrony. Recently, it has also been shown, in invasive human recordings, that nonsinusoidal features of beta oscillation shape also characterize PD. Here we show that these features of beta waveform shape also distinguish PD patients on and off medication using non-invasive recordings in a dataset of 15 PD patients with resting scalp EEG. Specifically, beta oscillations over sensorimotor electrodes in PD patients off medication had greater sharpness asymmetry and steepness asymmetry than on medication (sign rank, p<0.02, corrected). We also showed that beta oscillations over sensorimotor cortex most often had a canonical shape, and that using this prototypical shape as an inclusion-criteria increased the effect size of our findings. Together our findings suggest that novel ways of measuring beta synchrony that incorporate waveform shape could improve detection of PD pathophysiology in non-invasive recordings. Moreover, they motivate the consideration of waveform shape in future EEG studies.
Significance Statement Diagnosis and long-term monitoring of Parkinson's disease (PD) is mainly assessed via clinical rating scales which are subjective and can be imprecise. An objective measure of PD would be extremely valuable, especially one that could be acquired non-invasively. Here we show, using scalp electroencephalography (EEG), that the nonsinusoidal shape of beta (13-30 Hz) oscillations over sensorimotor cortex distinguishes PD patients on and off medication and patients off medication from controls. This change in waveform shape may reflect hypersynchronous input, possibly originating from basal ganglia. Thus, waveform shape is a putative non-invasive electrophysiology biomarker of PD state with potential utility for assessing treatments, monitoring disease, or diagnosis. This signature can be detected with a safe, affordable, and available method (i.e. EEG).
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