论文周报 | 推荐系统领域最新研究进展

2022 年 4 月 11 日 机器学习与推荐算法


1. Single-shot Embedding Dimension Search in Recommender System, SIGIR2022
Liang Qu, Yonghong Ye, Ningzhi Tang, Lixin Zhang, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin
As a crucial component of most modern deep recommender systems, feature embedding maps high-dimensional sparse user/item features into low-dimensional dense embeddings. However, these embeddings are usually assigned a unified dimension, which suffers from the following issues: (1) high memory usage and computation cost. (2) sub-optimal performance due to inferior dimension assignments. In order to alleviate the above issues, some works focus on automated embedding dimension search by formulating it as hyper-parameter optimization or embedding pruning problems. However, they either require well-designed search space for hyperparameters or need time-consuming optimization procedures. In this paper, we propose a Single-Shot Embedding Dimension Search method, called SSEDS, which can efficiently assign dimensions for each feature field via a single-shot embedding pruning operation while maintaining the recommendation accuracy of the model. Specifically, it introduces a criterion for identifying the importance of each embedding dimension for each feature field. As a result, SSEDS could automatically obtain mixed-dimensional embeddings by explicitly reducing redundant embedding dimensions based on the corresponding dimension importance ranking and the predefined parameter budget. Furthermore, the proposed SSEDS is model-agnostic, meaning that it could be integrated into different base recommendation models. The extensive offline experiments are conducted on two widely used public datasets for CTR prediction tasks, and the results demonstrate that SSEDS can still achieve strong recommendation performance even if it has reduced 90% parameters. Moreover, SSEDS has also been deployed on the WeChat Subscription platform for practical recommendation services. The 7-day online A/B test results show that SSEDS can significantly improve the performance of the online recommendation model.
2. Thinking inside The Box: Learning Hypercube Representations for Group Recommendation, SIGIR2022
Tong Chen, Hongzhi Yin, Jing Long, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Yang Wang, Meng Wang
As a step beyond traditional personalized recommendation, group recommendation is the task of suggesting items that can satisfy a group of users. In group recommendation, the core is to design preference aggregation functions to obtain a quality summary of all group members' preferences. Such user and group preferences are commonly represented as points in the vector space (i.e., embeddings), where multiple user embeddings are compressed into one to facilitate ranking for group-item pairs. However, the resulted group representations, as points, lack adequate flexibility and capacity to account for the multi-faceted user preferences. Also, the point embedding-based preference aggregation is a less faithful reflection of a group's decision-making process, where all users have to agree on a certain value in each embedding dimension instead of a negotiable interval. In this paper, we propose a novel representation of groups via the notion of hypercubes, which are subspaces containing innumerable points in the vector space. Specifically, we design the hypercube recommender (CubeRec) to adaptively learn group hypercubes from user embeddings with minimal information loss during preference aggregation, and to leverage a revamped distance metric to measure the affinity between group hypercubes and item points. Moreover, to counteract the long-standing issue of data sparsity in group recommendation, we make full use of the geometric expressiveness of hypercubes and innovatively incorporate self-supervision by intersecting two groups. Experiments on four real-world datasets have validated the superiority of CubeRec over state-of-the-art baselines.
3. MGDCF: Distance Learning via Markov Graph Diffusion for Neural Collaborative Filtering
Jun Hu, Shengsheng Qian, Quan Fang, Changsheng Xu
Collaborative filtering (CF) is widely used by personalized recommendation systems, which aims to predict the preference of users with historical user-item interactions. In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been utilized to build CF models and have shown promising performance. Recent state-of-the-art GNN-based CF approaches simply attribute their performance improvement to the high-order neighbor aggregation ability of GNNs. However, we observe that some powerful deep GNNs such as JKNet and DropEdge, can effectively exploit high-order neighbor information on other graph tasks but perform poorly on CF tasks, which conflicts with the explanation of these GNN-based CF research. Different from these research, we investigate the GNN-based CF from the perspective of Markov processes for distance learning with a unified framework named Markov Graph Diffusion Collaborative Filtering (MGDCF). We design a Markov Graph Diffusion Network (MGDN) as MGDCF's GNN encoder, which learns vertex representations by trading off two types of distances via a Markov process. We show the theoretical equivalence between MGDN's output and the optimal solution of a distance loss function, which can boost the optimization of CF models. MGDN can generalize state-of-the-art models such as LightGCN and APPNP, which are heterogeneous GNNs. In addition, MGDN can be extended to homogeneous GNNs with our sparsification technique. For optimizing MGDCF, we propose the InfoBPR loss function, which extends the widely used BPR loss to exploit multiple negative samples for better performance. We conduct experiments to perform detailed analysis on MGDCF.
4. A Survey on Dropout Methods and Experimental Verification in Recommendation
Yangkun Li, Weizhi Ma, Chong Chen, Min Zhang, Yiqun Liu, Shaoping Ma, Yuekui Yang
Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning, which means the model too closely fits the training data while performing poorly in the test data. Among various methods of coping with overfitting, dropout is one of the representative ways. From randomly dropping neurons to dropping neural structures, dropout has achieved great success in improving model performances. Although various dropout methods have been designed and widely applied in past years, their effectiveness, application scenarios, and contributions have not been comprehensively summarized and empirically compared by far. It is the right time to make a comprehensive survey. In this paper, we systematically review previous dropout methods and classify them into three major categories according to the stage where dropout operation is performed. Specifically, more than seventy dropout methods published in top AI conferences or journals (e.g., TKDE, KDD, TheWebConf, SIGIR) are involved. The designed taxonomy is easy to understand and capable of including new dropout methods. Then, we further discuss their application scenarios, connections, and contributions. To verify the effectiveness of distinct dropout methods, extensive experiments are conducted on recommendation scenarios with abundant heterogeneous information. Finally, we propose some open problems and potential research directions about dropout that worth to be further explored.
5. ELECRec: Training Sequential Recommenders as Discriminators, SIGIR2022
Yongjun Chen, Jia Li, Caiming Xiong
Sequential recommendation is often considered as a generative task, i.e., training a sequential encoder to generate the next item of a user's interests based on her historical interacted items. Despite their prevalence, these methods usually require training with more meaningful samples to be effective, which otherwise will lead to a poorly trained model. In this work, we propose to train the sequential recommenders as discriminators rather than generators. Instead of predicting the next item, our method trains a discriminator to distinguish if a sampled item is a 'real' target item or not. A generator, as an auxiliary model, is trained jointly with the discriminator to sample plausible alternative next items and will be thrown out after training. The trained discriminator is considered as the final SR model and denoted as \modelname. Experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.
6. Micro-Behavior Encoding for Session-based Recommendation, ICDE2022
Jiahao Yuan, Wendi Ji, Dell Zhang, Jinwei Pan, Xiaoling Wang
Session-based Recommendation (SR) aims to predict the next item for recommendation based on previously recorded sessions of user interaction. The majority of existing approaches to SR focus on modeling the transition patterns of items. In such models, the so-called micro-behaviors describing how the user locates an item and carries out various activities on it (e.g., click, add-to-cart, and read-comments), are simply ignored. A few recent studies have tried to incorporate the sequential patterns of micro-behaviors into SR models. However, those sequential models still cannot effectively capture all the inherent interdependencies between micro-behavior operations. In this work, we aim to investigate the effects of the micro-behavior information in SR systematically. Specifically, we identify two different patterns of micro-behaviors: "sequential patterns" and "dyadic relational patterns". To build a unified model of user micro-behaviors, we first devise a multigraph to aggregate the sequential patterns from different items via a graph neural network, and then utilize an extended self-attention network to exploit the pair-wise relational patterns of micro-behaviors. Extensive experiments on three public real-world datasets show the superiority of the proposed approach over the state-of-theart baselines and confirm the usefulness of these two different micro-behavior patterns for SR.
7. Coarse-to-Fine Sparse Sequential Recommendation, SIGIR2022
Jiacheng Li, Tong Zhao, Jin Li, Jim Chan, Christos Faloutsos, George Karypis, Soo-Min Pantel, Julian McAuley
Sequential recommendation aims to model dynamic user behavior from historical interactions. Self-attentive methods have proven effective at capturing short-term dynamics and long-term preferences. Despite their success, these approaches still struggle to model sparse data, on which they struggle to learn high-quality item representations. We propose to model user dynamics from shopping intents and interacted items simultaneously. The learned intents are coarse-grained and work as prior knowledge for item recommendation. To this end, we present a coarse-to-fine self-attention framework, namely CaFe, which explicitly learns coarse-grained and fine-grained sequential dynamics. Specifically, CaFe first learns intents from coarse-grained sequences which are dense and hence provide high-quality user intent representations. Then, CaFe fuses intent representations into item encoder outputs to obtain improved item representations. Finally, we infer recommended items based on representations of items and corresponding intents. Experiments on sparse datasets show that CaFe outperforms state-of-the-art self-attentive recommenders by 44.03% NDCG@5 on average.
8. FedRecAttack: Model Poisoning Attack to Federated Recommendation, ICDE2022
Dazhong Rong, Shuai Ye, Ruoyan Zhao, Hon Ning Yuen, Jianhai Chen, Qinming He
Federated Recommendation (FR) has received considerable popularity and attention in the past few years. In FR, for each user, its feature vector and interaction data are kept locally on its own client thus are private to others. Without the access to above information, most existing poisoning attacks against recommender systems or federated learning lose validity. Benifiting from this characteristic, FR is commonly considered fairly secured. However, we argue that there is still possible and necessary security improvement could be made in FR. To prove our opinion, in this paper we present FedRecAttack, a model poisoning attack to FR aiming to raise the exposure ratio of target items. In most recommendation scenarios, apart from private user-item interactions (e.g., clicks, watches and purchases), some interactions are public (e.g., likes, follows and comments). Motivated by this point, in FedRecAttack we make use of the public interactions to approximate users' feature vectors, thereby attacker can generate poisoned gradients accordingly and control malicious users to upload the poisoned gradients in a well-designed way. To evaluate the effectiveness and side effects of FedRecAttack, we conduct extensive experiments on three real-world datasets of different sizes from two completely different scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed FedRecAttack achieves the state-of-the-art effectiveness while its side effects are negligible. Moreover, even with small proportion (3%) of malicious users and small proportion (1%) of public interactions, FedRecAttack remains highly effective, which reveals that FR is more vulnerable to attack than people commonly considered
9. Automated Machine Learning for Deep Recommender Systems: A Survey
Bo Chen, Xiangyu Zhao, Yejing Wang, Wenqi Fan, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang
Deep recommender systems (DRS) are critical for current commercial online service providers, which address the issue of information overload by recommending items that are tailored to the user's interests and preferences. They have unprecedented feature representations effectiveness and the capacity of modeling the non-linear relationships between users and items. Despite their advancements, DRS models, like other deep learning models, employ sophisticated neural network architectures and other vital components that are typically designed and tuned by human experts. This article will give a comprehensive summary of automated machine learning (AutoML) for developing DRS models. We first provide an overview of AutoML for DRS models and the related techniques. Then we discuss the state-of-the-art AutoML approaches that automate the feature selection, feature embeddings, feature interactions, and system design in DRS. Finally, we discuss appealing research directions and summarize the survey.
10. Learning to Augment for Casual User Recommendation, WWW2022
Jianling Wang, Ya Le, Bo Chang, Yuyan Wang, Ed H. Chi, Minmin Chen
Users who come to recommendation platforms are heterogeneous in activity levels. There usually exists a group of core users who visit the platform regularly and consume a large body of content upon each visit, while others are casual users who tend to visit the platform occasionally and consume less each time. As a result, consumption activities from core users often dominate the training data used for learning. As core users can exhibit different activity patterns from casual users, recommender systems trained on historical user activity data usually achieve much worse performance on casual users than core users. To bridge the gap, we propose a model-agnostic framework L2Aug to improve recommendations for casual users through data augmentation, without sacrificing core user experience. L2Aug is powered by a data augmentor that learns to generate augmented interaction sequences, in order to fine-tune and optimize the performance of the recommendation system for casual users. On four real-world public datasets, L2Aug outperforms other treatment methods and achieves the best sequential recommendation performance for both casual and core users. We also test L2Aug in an online simulation environment with real-time feedback to further validate its efficacy, and showcase its flexibility in supporting different augmentation actions.

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