本文翻译自《Time Series Deep Learning, Part 2: Predicting Sunspot Frequency With Keras Lstm in R》,略有删减。
深度学习于商业的用途之一是提高时间序列预测的准确性。之前的教程显示了如何利用自相关性预测未来 10 年的月度太阳黑子数量。本教程将借助 RStudio 重新审视太阳黑子数据集,并且使用到 TensorFlow for R 中一些高级的深度学习功能,展示基于 keras
的深度学习教程遇到 tfruns
(用于追踪、可视化和管理 TensorFlow 训练、实验的一整套工具)后产生出的有趣结果。
如何建立 LSTM 模型
如何回测 LSTM 模型
事实上,最酷的事之一是你能画出 LSTM 预测的回测结果。
时间序列预测是商业中实现投资回报率(ROI)的一个关键领域。想一想:预测准确度提高 10% 就可以为机构节省数百万美元。这怎么可能?下面让我们来看看。
我们将以 NVIDIA 为例,一家为 Artificial Intelligence 和 Deep Learning 生产最先进芯片的半导体厂商。NVIDIA 生产的图形处理器或 GPU,这对于高性能深度学习所要求的大规模数值计算来说是必需的。芯片看起来像这样。
与所有制造商一样,NVIDIA 需要预测其产品的需求。为什么? 因为他们据此可以为客户提供合适数量的芯片。这个预测很关键,需要很多技巧和一些运气才能做到这一点。
我们所讨论的是销售预测,它推动了 NVIDIA 做出的所有生产制造决策。这包括购买多少原材料,有多少人来制造芯片,以及需要多少预算用于加工和装配操作。销售预测中的错误越多,NVIDIA 产生的成本就越大,因为所有这些活动(供应链、库存管理、财务规划等)都会变得没有意义!
时间序列深度学习对于预测具有高自相关性的数据非常准确,因为包括 LSTM 和 GRU 在内的算法可以从序列中学习信息,无论模式何时发生。这些特殊的 RNN 旨在具有长期记忆性,这意味着它们善于在最近发生的观察和很久之前发生的观察之间学习模式。这使它们非常适合时间序列!但它们对销售数据有用吗?也许,来!我们讨论一下。
销售数据混合了各种特征,但通常有季节性模式和趋势。趋势可以是平坦的、线性的、指数的等等。这通常不是 LSTM 擅长的地方,但其他传统的预测方法可以检测趋势。但是,季节性不同。销售数据中的季节性是一种可以在多个频率(年度、季度、月度、周度甚至每天)上出现的模式。LSTM 非常适合检测季节性,因为它通常具有自相关性。因此,LSTM 和 GRU 可以很好地帮助改进季节性检测,从而减少销售预测中的整体预测误差。
预测太阳黑子这一节我们将借助基本的 R 工具在太阳黑子数据集上做时间序列预测。太阳黑子是太阳表面的低温区域,这里有一张来自 NASA 的太阳黑子图片。
我们使用月度数据集 sunspots.month
(也有一个年度频率的版本),它包括 265 年间(1749 - 2013)的月度太阳黑子观测。
预测该数据集具有相当的挑战性,因为短期内的高变异性以及长期内明显的不规则周期性。例如,低频周期达到的最大幅度差异很大,达到最大低频周期高度所需的高频周期步数也是如此。(译注:数据中的局部高点之间间隔大约为 11 年)
我们的文章将重点关注两个主要方面:如何将深度学习应用于时间序列预测,以及如何在该领域中正确应用交叉验证。对于后者,我们将使用 rsample
目前为止,在 RNN 中,建立的最佳架构是 GRU(门递归单元)和 LSTM(长短期记忆网络)。今天,我们不要放大它们自身独特的东西,而是集中于它们与最精简的 RNN 的共同点上:基本的递归结构。
与通常称为多层感知器(MLP)的神经网络的原型相比,RNN 具有随时间推移的状态。来自 Goodfellow 等人的著作——“深度学习的圣经”,从这个图中可以很好地看出这一点:
# Core Tidyverse library(tidyverse) library(glue) library(forcats) # Time Series library(timetk) library(tidyquant) library(tibbletime) # Visualization library(cowplot) # Preprocessing library(recipes) # Sampling / Accuracy library(rsample) library(yardstick) # Modeling library(keras) library(tfruns)
如果你之前没有在 R 中运行过 Keras,你需要用 install_keras()
函数安装 Keras。
# Install Keras if you have not installed before install_keras()
数据集 sunspot.month
是一个 ts
类对象(非 tidy
类),所以我们将使用 timetk
中的 tk_tbl()
函数转换为 tidy
数据集。我们使用这个函数而不是来自 tibble
的 as.tibble()
索引。最后,我们将使用 lubridate::as_date()
(使用 tidyquant
时加载)将 zoo
索引转换为日期,然后转换为 tbl_time
sun_spots <- datasets::sunspot.month %>% tk_tbl() %>% mutate(index = as_date(index)) %>% as_tbl_time(index = index) sun_spots
# A time tibble: 3,177 x 2 # Index: index index value <date> <dbl> 1 1749-01-01 58 2 1749-02-01 62.6 3 1749-03-01 70 4 1749-04-01 55.7 5 1749-05-01 85 6 1749-06-01 83.5 7 1749-07-01 94.8 8 1749-08-01 66.3 9 1749-09-01 75.9 10 1749-10-01 75.5 # ... with 3,167 more rows
时间序列很长(有 265 年!)。我们可以将时间序列的全部(265 年)以及前 50 年的数据可视化,以获得该时间系列的直观感受。
可视化太阳黑子数据我们将创建若干 ggplot
对象并借助 cowplot::plot_grid()
把这些对象组合起来。对于需要缩放的部分,我们使用 tibbletime::time_filter()
p1 <- sun_spots %>% ggplot(aes(index, value)) + geom_point( color = palette_light()[[1]], alpha = 0.5) + theme_tq() + labs( title = "From 1749 to 2013 (Full Data Set)") p2 <- sun_spots %>% filter_time("start" ~ "1800") %>% ggplot(aes(index, value)) + geom_line( color = palette_light()[[1]], alpha = 0.5) + geom_point(color = palette_light()[[1]]) + geom_smooth( method = "loess", span = 0.2, se = FALSE) + theme_tq() + labs( title = "1749 to 1759 (Zoomed In To Show Changes over the Year)", caption = "datasets::sunspot.month") p_title <- ggdraw() + draw_label( "Sunspots", size = 18, fontface = "bold", colour = palette_light()[[1]]) plot_grid( p_title, p1, p2, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.1, 1, 1))
包包含回测功能。“Time Series Analysis Example”描述了一个使用 rolling_origin()
我们创建的抽样计划使用 100 年(initial
= 12 x 100)的数据作为训练集,50 年(assess
= 12 x 50)的数据用于测试集。我们选择大约 22 年的跳跃跨度(skip
= 12 x 22 - 1),将样本均匀分布到 6 组中,跨越整个 265 年的太阳黑子历史。最后,我们选择 cumulative = FALSE
是一个 tibble
periods_train <- 12 * 100 periods_test <- 12 * 50 skip_span <- 12 * 22 - 1 rolling_origin_resamples <- rolling_origin( sun_spots, initial = periods_train, assess = periods_test, cumulative = FALSE, skip = skip_span) rolling_origin_resamples
# Rolling origin forecast resampling # A tibble: 6 x 2 splits id <list> <chr> 1 <S3: rsplit> Slice1 2 <S3: rsplit> Slice2 3 <S3: rsplit> Slice3 4 <S3: rsplit> Slice4 5 <S3: rsplit> Slice5 6 <S3: rsplit> Slice6
我们可以用两个自定义函数来可视化再抽样。首先是 plot_split()
,使用 ggplot2
参数默认将日期范围扩展成整个 sun_spots
# Plotting function for a single split plot_split <- function(split, expand_y_axis = TRUE, alpha = 1, size = 1, base_size = 14) { # Manipulate data train_tbl <- training(split) %>% add_column(key = "training") test_tbl <- testing(split) %>% add_column(key = "testing") data_manipulated <- bind_rows( train_tbl, test_tbl) %>% as_tbl_time(index = index) %>% mutate( key = fct_relevel( key, "training", "testing")) # Collect attributes train_time_summary <- train_tbl %>% tk_index() %>% tk_get_timeseries_summary() test_time_summary <- test_tbl %>% tk_index() %>% tk_get_timeseries_summary() # Visualize g <- data_manipulated %>% ggplot( aes(x = index, y = value, color = key)) + geom_line(size = size, alpha = alpha) + theme_tq(base_size = base_size) + scale_color_tq() + labs( title = glue("Split: {split$id}"), subtitle = glue( "{train_time_summary$start} to {test_time_summary$end}"), y = "", x = "") + theme(legend.position = "none") if (expand_y_axis) { sun_spots_time_summary <- sun_spots %>% tk_index() %>% tk_get_timeseries_summary() g <- g + scale_x_date( limits = c( sun_spots_time_summary$start, sun_spots_time_summary$end)) } return(g) }
函数接受一个分割(在本例中为 Slice01
),并可视化抽样策略。我们使用 expand_y_axis = TRUE
rolling_origin_resamples$splits[[1]] %>% plot_split(expand_y_axis = TRUE) + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
第二个函数是 plot_sampling_plan()
,使用 purrr
和 cowplot
将 plot_split()
# Plotting function that scales to all splits plot_sampling_plan <- function(sampling_tbl, expand_y_axis = TRUE, ncol = 3, alpha = 1, size = 1, base_size = 14, title = "Sampling Plan") { # Map plot_split() to sampling_tbl sampling_tbl_with_plots <- sampling_tbl %>% mutate( gg_plots = map( splits, plot_split, expand_y_axis = expand_y_axis, alpha = alpha, base_size = base_size)) # Make plots with cowplot plot_list <- sampling_tbl_with_plots$gg_plots p_temp <- plot_list[[1]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom") legend <- get_legend(p_temp) p_body <- plot_grid( plotlist = plot_list, ncol = ncol) p_title <- ggdraw() + draw_label( title, size = 14, fontface = "bold", colour = palette_light()[[1]]) g <- plot_grid( p_title, p_body, legend, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.05, 1, 0.05)) return(g) }
现在我们可以使用 plot_sampling_plan()
rolling_origin_resamples %>% plot_sampling_plan( expand_y_axis = T, ncol = 3, alpha = 1, size = 1, base_size = 10, title = "Backtesting Strategy: Rolling Origin Sampling Plan")
此外,我们可以让 expand_y_axis = FALSE
rolling_origin_resamples %>% plot_sampling_plan( expand_y_axis = F, ncol = 3, alpha = 1, size = 1, base_size = 10, title = "Backtesting Strategy: Zoomed In")
当在太阳黑子数据集上测试 LSTM 模型准确性时,我们将使用这种回测策略(来自一个时间序列的 6 个样本,每个时间序列分为 100/50 两部分,并且样本之间有大约 22 年的偏移)。
首先,我们将在回测策略的某个样本上用 Keras 开发一个状态 LSTM 模型,通常是最近的一个。然后,我们将模型套用到所有样本,以测试和验证模型性能。
example_split <- rolling_origin_resamples$splits[[6]] example_split_id <- rolling_origin_resamples$id[[6]]
我么可以用 plot_split()
函数可视化该分割,设定 expand_y_axis = FALSE
plot_split( example_split, expand_y_axis = FALSE, size = 0.5) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + ggtitle(glue("Split: {example_split_id}"))
为了帮助进行超参数调整,除了训练集之外,我们还需要一个验证集。例如,我们将使用一个回调函数 callback_early_stopping
df_trn <- analysis(example_split)[1:800, , drop = FALSE] df_val <- analysis(example_split)[801:1200, , drop = FALSE] df_tst <- assessment(example_split)
首先,我们将训练和测试数据集合成一个数据集,并使用列 key
或 testing
对象需要在调用 bind_rows()
时重新指定索引,但是这个问题应该很快在 dplyr
df <- bind_rows( df_trn %>% add_column(key = "training"), df_val %>% add_column(key = "validation"), df_tst %>% add_column(key = "testing")) %>% as_tbl_time(index = index) df
# A time tibble: 1,800 x 3 # Index: index index value key <date> <dbl> <chr> 1 1849-06-01 81.1 training 2 1849-07-01 78 training 3 1849-08-01 67.7 training 4 1849-09-01 93.7 training 5 1849-10-01 71.5 training 6 1849-11-01 99 training 7 1849-12-01 97 training 8 1850-01-01 78 training 9 1850-02-01 89.4 training 10 1850-03-01 82.6 training # ... with 1,790 more rows
做数据预处理LSTM 算法通常要求输入数据经过中心化并标度化。我们可以使用 recipe
包预处理数据。我们用 step_sqrt
来转换数据以减少异常值的影响,再结合 step_center
和 step_scale
对数据进行中心化和标度化。最后,数据使用 bake()
rec_obj <- recipe( value ~ ., df) %>% step_sqrt(value) %>% step_center(value) %>% step_scale(value) %>% prep() df_processed_tbl <- bake(rec_obj, df) df_processed_tbl
# A tibble: 1,800 x 3 index value key <date> <dbl> <fct> 1 1849-06-01 0.714 training 2 1849-07-01 0.660 training 3 1849-08-01 0.473 training 4 1849-09-01 0.922 training 5 1849-10-01 0.544 training 6 1849-11-01 1.01 training 7 1849-12-01 0.974 training 8 1850-01-01 0.660 training 9 1850-02-01 0.852 training 10 1850-03-01 0.739 training # ... with 1,790 more rows
center_history <- rec_obj$steps[[2]]$means["value"] scale_history <- rec_obj$steps[[3]]$sds["value"] c("center" = center_history, "scale" = scale_history)
center.value scale.value 6.694468 3.238935
Keras LSTM 希望输入和目标数据具有特定的形状。输入必须是 3 维数组,维度大小为 num_samples
是集合中观测的数量。这将以每份 batch_size
大小的分量分批提供给模型。第二个维度 num_timesteps
是我们上面讨论的隐含状态的长度。最后,第三个维度是我们正在使用的预测变量的数量。对于单变量时间序列,这是 1。
现在说我们想要预测 12 个月的数据,就像 SILSO(世界数据中心,用于生产、保存和传播国际太阳黑子观测)所做的。我们通过 Keras 实现这一目标的方法是使 LSTM 隐藏状态与后续输出有相同的长度。因此,如果我们想要产生 12 个月的预测,我们的 LSTM 隐藏状态长度应该是 12。(译注:原始数据的周期大约是 10 到 11 年,使用相邻两年的数据不能涵盖一个完整的周期,致使模型无法学习到和周期有关的模式,最终表现可能不佳。)
然后使用 time_distributed()
包装器将这 12 个时间步连接到 12 个线性预测器单元。该包装器的任务是将相同的计算(即,相同的权重矩阵)应用于它接收的每个状态输入。
目标数组的格式应该是什么?由于我们在这里预测了几个时间步,目标数据也需要是 3 维的。维度 1 同样是批量维度,维度 2 同样对应于时间步(被预测的),维度 3 是包装层的大小。在我们的例子中,包装层是单个单元的 layer_dense()
所以,让我们调整数据形状。这里的主要动作是用滑动窗口创建长度 12 的输入,后续 12 个观测作为输出。举个更简单的例子,假设我们的输入是从 1 到 10 的数字,我们选择的序列长度(状态大小)是 4,下面就是我们希望我们的训练输入看起来的样子:
1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5 3,4,5,6
5,6,7,8 6,7,8,9 7,8,9,10
我们将定义一个简短的函数,对给定的数据集进行调整。最后,我们形式上添加了需要的第三个维度(即使在我们的例子中该维度的大小为 1)。
# these variables are being defined just because of the order in which # we present things in this post (first the data, then the model) # they will be superseded by FLAGS$n_timesteps, FLAGS$batch_size and n_predictions # in the following snippet n_timesteps <- 12 n_predictions <- n_timesteps batch_size <- 10 # functions used build_matrix <- function(tseries, overall_timesteps) { t(sapply( 1:(length(tseries) - overall_timesteps + 1), function(x) tseries[x:(x + overall_timesteps - 1)])) } reshape_X_3d <- function(X) { dim(X) <- c(dim(X)[1], dim(X)[2], 1) X } # extract values from data frame train_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "training") %>% select(value) %>% pull() valid_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "validation") %>% select(value) %>% pull() test_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "testing") %>% select(value) %>% pull() # build the windowed matrices train_matrix <- build_matrix( train_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) valid_matrix <- build_matrix( valid_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) test_matrix <- build_matrix( test_vals, n_timesteps + n_predictions) # separate matrices into training and testing parts # also, discard last batch if there are fewer than batch_size samples # (a purely technical requirement) X_train <- train_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_train <- train_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_train <- X_train[1:(nrow(X_train) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_train <- y_train[1:(nrow(y_train) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] X_valid <- valid_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_valid <- valid_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_valid <- X_valid[1:(nrow(X_valid) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_valid <- y_valid[1:(nrow(y_valid) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] X_test <- test_matrix[, 1:n_timesteps] y_test <- test_matrix[, (n_timesteps + 1):(n_timesteps * 2)] X_test <- X_test[1:(nrow(X_test) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] y_test <- y_test[1:(nrow(y_test) %/% batch_size * batch_size), ] # add on the required third axis X_train <- reshape_X_3d(X_train) X_valid <- reshape_X_3d(X_valid) X_test <- reshape_X_3d(X_test) y_train <- reshape_X_3d(y_train) y_valid <- reshape_X_3d(y_valid) y_test <- reshape_X_3d(y_test)
现在我们的数据具有了所需的形式,让我们构建最终模型。与深度学习一样,一项重要且经常耗时的工作是调整超参数。为了使这篇文章保持独立,并且考虑到这主要是关于如何在 R 中使用 LSTM 的教程,让我们假设在经过大量实验后发现了以下设置(实际上实验确实发生了,但没有达到最佳的表现)。
我们没有硬编码超参数,而是使用 tfruns
FLAGS <- flags( # There is a so-called "stateful LSTM" in Keras. While LSTM is stateful per se, # this adds a further tweak where the hidden states get initialized with values # from the item at same position in the previous batch. # This is helpful just under specific circumstances, or if you want to create an # "infinite stream" of states, in which case you'd use 1 as the batch size. # Below, we show how the code would have to be changed to use this, but it won't be further # discussed here. flag_boolean("stateful", FALSE), # Should we use several layers of LSTM? # Again, just included for completeness, it did not yield any superior performance on this task. # This will actually stack exactly one additional layer of LSTM units. flag_boolean("stack_layers", FALSE), # number of samples fed to the model in one go flag_integer("batch_size", 10), # size of the hidden state, equals size of predictions flag_integer("n_timesteps", 12), # how many epochs to train for flag_integer("n_epochs", 100), # fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs flag_numeric("dropout", 0.2), # fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state flag_numeric("recurrent_dropout", 0.2), # loss function. Found to work better for this specific case than mean squared error flag_string("loss", "logcosh"), # optimizer = stochastic gradient descent. Seemed to work better than adam or rmsprop here # (as indicated by limited testing) flag_string("optimizer_type", "sgd"), # size of the LSTM layer flag_integer("n_units", 128), # learning rate flag_numeric("lr", 0.003), # momentum, an additional parameter to the SGD optimizer flag_numeric("momentum", 0.9), # parameter to the early stopping callback flag_integer("patience", 10)) # the number of predictions we'll make equals the length of the hidden state n_predictions <- FLAGS$n_timesteps # how many features = predictors we have n_features <- 1 # just in case we wanted to try different optimizers, we could add here optimizer <- switch( FLAGS$optimizer_type, sgd = optimizer_sgd( lr = FLAGS$lr, momentum = FLAGS$momentum)) # callbacks to be passed to the fit() function # We just use one here: we may stop before n_epochs if the loss on the validation set # does not decrease (by a configurable amount, over a configurable time) callbacks <- list( callback_early_stopping( patience = FLAGS$patience))
经过所有这些准备工作,构建和训练模型的代码就相当简短!让我们首先快速查看“长版本”,这将允许你测试堆叠多个 LSTM 或使用状态 LSTM,然后通过最终的短版本(两者都不做)并对其进行评论。
model <- keras_model_sequential() model %>% layer_lstm( units = FLAGS$n_units, batch_input_shape = c( FLAGS$batch_size, FLAGS$n_timesteps, n_features), dropout = FLAGS$dropout, recurrent_dropout = FLAGS$recurrent_dropout, return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = FLAGS$stateful) if (FLAGS$stack_layers) { model %>% layer_lstm( units = FLAGS$n_units, dropout = FLAGS$dropout, recurrent_dropout = FLAGS$recurrent_dropout, return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = FLAGS$stateful) } model %>% time_distributed( layer_dense(units = 1)) model %>% compile( loss = FLAGS$loss, optimizer = optimizer, metrics = list("mean_squared_error")) if (!FLAGS$stateful) { model %>% fit( x = X_train, y = y_train, validation_data = list(X_valid, y_valid), batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size, epochs = FLAGS$n_epochs, callbacks = callbacks) } else { for (i in 1:FLAGS$n_epochs) { model %>% fit( x = X_train, y = y_train, validation_data = list(X_valid, y_valid), callbacks = callbacks, batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size, epochs = 1, shuffle = FALSE) model %>% reset_states() } } if (FLAGS$stateful) model %>% reset_states()
# create the model model <- keras_model_sequential() # add layers # we have just two, the LSTM and the time_distributed model %>% layer_lstm( units = FLAGS$n_units, # the first layer in a model needs to know the shape of the input data batch_input_shape = c( FLAGS$batch_size, FLAGS$n_timesteps, n_features), dropout = FLAGS$dropout, recurrent_dropout = FLAGS$recurrent_dropout, # by default, an LSTM just returns the final state return_sequences = TRUE) %>% time_distributed(layer_dense(units = 1)) model %>% compile( loss = FLAGS$loss, optimizer = optimizer, # in addition to the loss, Keras will inform us about current MSE while training metrics = list("mean_squared_error")) history <- model %>% fit( x = X_train, y = y_train, validation_data = list(X_valid, y_valid), batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size, epochs = FLAGS$n_epochs, callbacks = callbacks)
正如我们所见,训练在约 55 个周期后停止,因为验证集损失不再减少。我们还发现验证集上的表现比训练集上的性能差——通常表明过度拟合。
这个话题,我们将在另一个时间单独讨论,但有趣的是,使用更高 dropout
和 recurrent_dropout
plot(history, metrics = "loss")
pred_train <- model %>% predict( X_train, batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size) %>% .[, , 1] # Retransform values to original scale pred_train <- (pred_train * scale_history + center_history) ^2 compare_train <- df %>% filter(key == "training") # build a dataframe that has both actual and predicted values for (i in 1:nrow(pred_train)) { varname <- paste0("pred_train", i) compare_train <- mutate( compare_train, !!varname := c( rep(NA, FLAGS$n_timesteps + i - 1), pred_train[i,], rep(NA, nrow(compare_train) - FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2 - i + 1))) }
我们计算所有预测序列的平均 RSME。
coln <- colnames(compare_train)[4:ncol(compare_train)] cols <- map(coln, quo(sym(.))) rsme_train <- map_dbl( cols, function(col) { rmse( compare_train, truth = value, estimate = !!col, na.rm = TRUE) }) %>% mean() rsme_train
ggplot( compare_train, aes(x = index, y = value)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train1), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train50), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train100), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train150), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train200), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train250), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train300), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train350), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train400), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train450), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train500), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train550), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train600), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train650), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train700), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train750), color = "green") + ggtitle("Predictions on the training set")
pred_test <- model %>% predict( X_test, batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size) %>% .[, , 1] # Retransform values to original scale pred_test <- (pred_test * scale_history + center_history) ^2 pred_test[1:10, 1:5] %>% print() compare_test <- df %>% filter(key == "testing") # build a dataframe that has both actual and predicted values for (i in 1:nrow(pred_test)) { varname <- paste0("pred_test", i) compare_test <-mutate( compare_test, !!varname := c( rep(NA, FLAGS$n_timesteps + i - 1), pred_test[i,], rep(NA, nrow(compare_test) - FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2 - i + 1))) } compare_test %>% write_csv( str_replace(model_path, ".hdf5", ".test.csv")) compare_test[FLAGS$n_timesteps:(FLAGS$n_timesteps + 10), c(2, 4:8)] %>% print() coln <- colnames(compare_test)[4:ncol(compare_test)] cols <- map(coln, quo(sym(.))) rsme_test <- map_dbl( cols, function(col) { rmse( compare_test, truth = value, estimate = !!col, na.rm = TRUE) }) %>% mean() rsme_test
ggplot( compare_test, aes(x = index, y = value)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test1), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test50), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test100), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test150), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test200), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test250), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test300), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test350), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test400), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test450), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test500), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test550), color = "violet") + ggtitle("Predictions on test set")
obtain_predictions <- function(split) { df_trn <- analysis(split)[1:800, , drop = FALSE] df_val <- analysis(split)[801:1200, , drop = FALSE] df_tst <- assessment(split) df <- bind_rows( df_trn %>% add_column(key = "training"), df_val %>% add_column(key = "validation"), df_tst %>% add_column(key = "testing")) %>% as_tbl_time(index = index) rec_obj <- recipe( value ~ ., df) %>% step_sqrt(value) %>% step_center(value) %>% step_scale(value) %>% prep() df_processed_tbl <- bake(rec_obj, df) center_history <- rec_obj$steps[[2]]$means["value"] scale_history <- rec_obj$steps[[3]]$sds["value"] FLAGS <- flags( flag_boolean("stateful", FALSE), flag_boolean("stack_layers", FALSE), flag_integer("batch_size", 10), flag_integer("n_timesteps", 12), flag_integer("n_epochs", 100), flag_numeric("dropout", 0.2), flag_numeric("recurrent_dropout", 0.2), flag_string("loss", "logcosh"), flag_string("optimizer_type", "sgd"), flag_integer("n_units", 128), flag_numeric("lr", 0.003), flag_numeric("momentum", 0.9), flag_integer("patience", 10)) n_predictions <- FLAGS$n_timesteps n_features <- 1 optimizer <- switch( FLAGS$optimizer_type, sgd = optimizer_sgd( lr = FLAGS$lr, momentum = FLAGS$momentum)) callbacks <- list( callback_early_stopping(patience = FLAGS$patience)) train_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "training") %>% select(value) %>% pull() valid_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "validation") %>% select(value) %>% pull() test_vals <- df_processed_tbl %>% filter(key == "testing") %>% select(value) %>% pull() train_matrix <- build_matrix( train_vals, FLAGS$n_timesteps + n_predictions) valid_matrix <- build_matrix( valid_vals, FLAGS$n_timesteps + n_predictions) test_matrix <- build_matrix( test_vals, FLAGS$n_timesteps + n_predictions) X_train <- train_matrix[, 1:FLAGS$n_timesteps] y_train <- train_matrix[, (FLAGS$n_timesteps + 1):(FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2)] X_train <- X_train[1:(nrow(X_train) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] y_train <- y_train[1:(nrow(y_train) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] X_valid <- valid_matrix[, 1:FLAGS$n_timesteps] y_valid <- valid_matrix[, (FLAGS$n_timesteps + 1):(FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2)] X_valid <- X_valid[1:(nrow(X_valid) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] y_valid <- y_valid[1:(nrow(y_valid) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] X_test <- test_matrix[, 1:FLAGS$n_timesteps] y_test <- test_matrix[, (FLAGS$n_timesteps + 1):(FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2)] X_test <- X_test[1:(nrow(X_test) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] y_test <- y_test[1:(nrow(y_test) %/% FLAGS$batch_size * FLAGS$batch_size),] X_train <- reshape_X_3d(X_train) X_valid <- reshape_X_3d(X_valid) X_test <- reshape_X_3d(X_test) y_train <- reshape_X_3d(y_train) y_valid <- reshape_X_3d(y_valid) y_test <- reshape_X_3d(y_test) model <- keras_model_sequential() model %>% layer_lstm( units = FLAGS$n_units, batch_input_shape = c( FLAGS$batch_size, FLAGS$n_timesteps, n_features), dropout = FLAGS$dropout, recurrent_dropout = FLAGS$recurrent_dropout, return_sequences = TRUE) %>% time_distributed(layer_dense(units = 1)) model %>% compile( loss = FLAGS$loss, optimizer = optimizer, metrics = list("mean_squared_error")) model %>% fit( x = X_train, y = y_train, validation_data = list(X_valid, y_valid), batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size, epochs = FLAGS$n_epochs, callbacks = callbacks) pred_train <- model %>% predict( X_train, batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size) %>% .[, , 1] # Retransform values pred_train <- (pred_train * scale_history + center_history) ^ 2 compare_train <- df %>% filter(key == "training") for (i in 1:nrow(pred_train)) { varname <- paste0("pred_train", i) compare_train <- mutate( compare_train, !!varname := c( rep(NA, FLAGS$n_timesteps + i - 1), pred_train[i, ], rep(NA, nrow(compare_train) - FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2 - i + 1))) } pred_test <- model %>% predict( X_test, batch_size = FLAGS$batch_size) %>% .[, , 1] # Retransform values pred_test <- (pred_test * scale_history + center_history) ^ 2 compare_test <- df %>% filter(key == "testing") for (i in 1:nrow(pred_test)) { varname <- paste0("pred_test", i) compare_test <- mutate( compare_test, !!varname := c( rep(NA, FLAGS$n_timesteps + i - 1), pred_test[i, ], rep(NA, nrow(compare_test) - FLAGS$n_timesteps * 2 - i + 1))) } list( train = compare_train, test = compare_test) }
all_split_preds <- rolling_origin_resamples %>% mutate(predict = map(splits, obtain_predictions))
计算所有分割的 RMSE:
calc_rmse <- function(df) { coln <- colnames(df)[4:ncol(df)] cols <- map(coln, quo(sym(.))) map_dbl( cols, function(col) { rmse( df, truth = value, estimate = !!col, na.rm = TRUE) }) %>% mean() } all_split_preds <- all_split_preds %>% unnest(predict) all_split_preds_train <- all_split_preds[seq(1, 11, by = 2), ] all_split_preds_test <- all_split_preds[seq(2, 12, by = 2), ] all_split_rmses_train <- all_split_preds_train %>% mutate(rmse = map_dbl(predict, calc_rmse)) %>% select(id, rmse) all_split_rmses_test <- all_split_preds_test %>% mutate(rmse = map_dbl(predict, calc_rmse)) %>% select(id, rmse)
这是 6 个分割的 RMSE。
# A tibble: 6 x 2 id rmse <chr> <dbl> 1 Slice1 22.2 2 Slice2 20.9 3 Slice3 18.8 4 Slice4 23.5 5 Slice5 22.1 6 Slice6 21.1
# A tibble: 6 x 2 id rmse <chr> <dbl> 1 Slice1 21.6 2 Slice2 20.6 3 Slice3 21.3 4 Slice4 31.4 5 Slice5 35.2 6 Slice6 31.4
plot_train <- function(slice, name) { ggplot( slice, aes(x = index, y = value)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train1), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train50), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train100), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train150), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train200), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train250), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train300), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train350), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train400), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train450), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train500), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train550), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train600), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train650), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train700), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_train750), color = "green") + ggtitle(name) } train_plots <- map2( all_split_preds_train$predict, all_split_preds_train$id, plot_train) p_body_train <- plot_grid( plotlist = train_plots, ncol = 3) p_title_train <- ggdraw() + draw_label( "Backtested Predictions: Training Sets", size = 18, fontface = "bold") plot_grid( p_title_train, p_body_train, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.05, 1, 0.05))
plot_test <- function(slice, name) { ggplot( slice, aes(x = index, y = value)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test1), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test50), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test100), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test150), color = "violet") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test200), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test250), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test300), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test350), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test400), color = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test450), color = "green") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test500), color = "cyan") + geom_line(aes(y = pred_test550), color = "violet") + ggtitle(name) } test_plots <- map2( all_split_preds_test$predict, all_split_preds_test$id, plot_test) p_body_test <- plot_grid( plotlist = test_plots, ncol = 3) p_title_test <- ggdraw() + draw_label( "Backtested Predictions: Test Sets", size = 18, fontface = "bold") plot_grid( p_title_test, p_body_test, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.05, 1, 0.05))
这是一个很长的帖子,必然会留下很多问题,首先是我们如何获得好的超参数设置(学习率、周期数、dropout)? 我们如何选择隐含状态的长度?或者甚至,我们能否直观了解 LSTM 在给定数据集上的表现(具有其特定特征)?我们将在未来的文章中解决上述问题。
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