Daniel J. Abadi University of Maryland For contributions to stream databases, distributed databases, graph databases, and column-store databases |
Samuel Madden Massachusetts Institute of Technology For contributions to data management and sensor computing systems |
James Allan University of Massachusetts Amherst For contributions to information retrieval, including topic detection and tracking |
Scott Mahlke University of Michigan For contributions in compiler code generation for instruction level parallelism, and customized microprocessor architectures |
Srinivas Aluru Georgia Institute of Technology For contributions to parallel methods in computational biology and leadership in data science |
David Maltz Microsoft Azure For contributions to networking infrastructure, including data center networking, network operating systems, and cloud networking |
Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin For contributions to storage and computer systems |
Volker Markl TU Berlin For contributions to query optimization, scalable data processing, and data programmability |
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin For contributions to storage and computer systems |
Maja Mataric University of Southern California For contributions to socially assistive robotics and human-robot systems |
Suman Banerjee University of Wisconsin-Madison For contributions to design, implementation, and tools of wireless systems |
Filippo Menczer Indiana University For research on the vulnerability of social media networks to disinformation and manipulation |
Manuel Blum Carnegie Mellon University For contributions to the foundations of computational complexity theory and its application to cryptography and program checking |
Jose Meseguer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign For the development of logical methods for design and verification of computational systems |
Lionel Briand University of Ottawa and University of Luxembourg For contributions to automated software testing |
Meredith Ringel Morris Microsoft Research For contributions to human-computer interaction, information retrieval, computer-supported cooperative work, and accessibility |
David Brooks Harvard University For contributions to software and hardware design for power-efficient computer architectures |
Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research For contributions to empirical software engineering and data-driven software development |
Ran Canetti Boston University For contributions to cryptography and computer security |
Radhika Nagpal Harvard University For contributions to collective intelligence, including self-organizing systems and swarm robotics |
John Canny University of California, Berkeley For contributions in robotics, machine perception, human-computer interaction, and ubiquitous computing |
Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science For contributions to the foundations of cryptography and theoretical computer science |
Anantha Chandrakasan Massachusetts Institute of Technology For energy-efficient design methodologies and circuits that enabled ultralow-power wireless sensors and computing devices |
Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami IBM T.J. Watson Research Center For design and development of the Linux Watch and SoulPad, which influenced wearable and mobile systems |
Yao-Wen Chang National Taiwan University For contributions to algorithmic electronic design automation |
Sam H. Noh UNIST For contributions to storage system software, including flash and byte-addressable non-volatile memory |
Moses Charikar Stanford University For design of efficient algorithmic techniques for big data, hashing, approximation algorithms, and metric embeddings |
Prakash Panangaden McGill University For making continuous state systems amenable to logical and computational treatment |
Yiran Chen Duke University For contributions to to nonvolatile memory technologies |
Sethuraman Panchanathan Arizona State University For contributions to multimedia technologies and leadership in the scientific community |
Graham R. Cormode University of Warwick For contributions to data summarization and privacy enabling data management and analysis |
Manish Parashar Rutgers University For contributions to high-performance parallel and distributed computing and computational science |
Patrick Cousot New York University For contributions to programming languages through the invention and development of abstract interpretation |
Keshab K. Parhi University of Minnesota For contributions to architectures and design tools for signal processing and networking accelerators |
Mathieu Desbrun California Institute of Technology For contributions to geometry processing and discrete differential geometry |
Haesun Park Georgia Institute of Technology For contributions to numerical algorithms, data analytics, and leadership in computational science and engineering |
Whitfield Diffie Findora Advanced Research Center For the invention of asymmetric public-key cryptography and the promulgation of a practical cryptographic key-exchange method |
Gordon Plotkin University of Edinburgh For contributions to the science of programming languages, particularly their operational and denotational semantics |
Bonnie J. Dorr IHMC For human-centered and linguistically inspired approaches to natural language processing |
Michael O. Rabin Harvard University For the introduction of nondeterministic automata, probabilistic automata, and for contributions to computability and computational complexity theory |
Nicholas Duffield Texas A&M University For contributions to network measurement and analysis |
Kui Ren Zhejiang University For contributions to wireless system security and cloud data security |
Alan Edelman Massachusetts Institute of Technology For contributions to algorithms and languages for numerical and scientific computing |
Paul Resnick University of Michigan For contributions to recommender systems, economics and computation, and online communities |
Thomas Eiter TU Wien For contributions to knowledge representation and reasoning, logic programming, and declarative problem solving |
Mary Beth Rosson Pennsylvania State University For contributions to human-computer interaction, including scenario-based design |
Cormac Flanagan University of California, Santa Cruz For contributions to static and dynamic program debugging and verification methods |
Steven Salzberg Johns Hopkins University For contributions to computational biology, including software for DNA sequence analysis, alignment, and genome assembly |
Jodi Forlizzi Carnegie Mellon University For contributions to design research in human-computer interaction |
Sanjit Arunkumar Seshia University of California, Berkeley For contributions to formal verification, inductive synthesis, and cyber-physical systems |
Dieter Fox University of Washington For contributions to probabilistic state estimation, RGB-D perception, and learning for robotics and computer vision |
Adi Shamir Weizmann Institute of Science For contributions to the field of cryptography |
Sanjay Ghemawat Google For contributions to distributed systems design |
Heng Tao Shen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China For contributions to large-scale multimedia content understanding, indexing and retrieval |
Antonio Gonzalez Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya For contributions to the design of energy-efficient and resilient computer architectures |
Amit Sheth University of South Carolina For contributions to data semantics and knowledge-enhanced computing |
Andrew D. Gordon Microsoft Research and University of Edinburgh For contributions to programming languages: their principles, logic, usability, and trustworthiness |
Adam Smith Boston University For contributions to data privacy and cryptography |
Steven Gribble Google For contributions to virtualization technology across clusters, servers, and networks |
Olga Sorkine-Hornung ETH Zurich For contributions to digital geometry processing, computer animation, computer graphics and visual computing |
Susanne E. Hambrusch Purdue University For research and leadership contributions to computer science education |
Rick L. Stevens Argonne National Laboratory For contributions in high-performance computing systems, collaborative environments, and tools for large-scale science initiatives |
Martin Hellman Stanford University For the invention of asymmetric public-key cryptography and the promulgation of a practical cryptographic key-exchange method |
Peter Stone University of Texas at Austin For contributions to automated planning, learning, and multiagent systems with applications in robotics and ecommerce |
Nicholas Higham University of Manchester For contributions to numerical linear algebra, numerical stability analysis, and communication of mathematics |
Yufei Tao Chinese University of Hong Kong For contributions to algorithms for large scale data processing |
C. Anthony (“Tony”) R. Hoare University of Cambridge For contributions to the theory of programming, and its application to the practice of engineering of software |
Leandros Tassiulas Yale University For contributions to network control and optimization with applications in communication networks |
Holger H. Hoos Leiden University For contributions to automated algorithm selection and configuration for optimization and machine learning |
Kenneth Lane Thompson Google For contributions to the development of operating systems theory and for the implementation of the UNIX operating system |
Ihab F. Ilyas University of Waterloo For contributions to data cleaning and data integration |
Andrew Tomkins Google For contributions to the understanding of the web and web-based social networks |
Lizy Kurian John University of Texas at Austin For contributions to the design, modeling and benchmarking of computer architectures |
Olga Troyanskaya Princeton University and Simons Foundation For contributions to computational biology, data integration |
Joost-Pieter Katoen RWTH Aachen University For contributions to model checking of software and probabilistic systems |
Matthew A. Turk Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago and University of California, Santa Barbara For contributions to face recognition, computer vision, and multimodal interaction |
Nam Sung Kim Samsung For contributions to design and modeling of power-efficient computer architectures |
Wil Van Der Aalst RWTH Aachen University For contributions to process mining, process management and data science |
Sven Koenig University of Southern California For contributions to artificial intelligence, including heuristic search and multi-agent coordination |
Toby Walsh University of New South Wales and CSIRO Data61 For contributions to artificial intelligence |
David Kotz Dartmouth College For contributions to the security, privacy, and usability of mobile systems |
Wei Wang University of California, Los Angeles For contributions to the foundation and practice of data mining |
Arvind Krishnamurthy University of Washington For contributions to networks and distributed computer systems |
Laurie Ann Williams North Carolina State University For contributions to empirical research on agile software development, software security, and software engineering education |
Ravi Kumar Google Research For contributions to web science modeling, analytics, and algorithms |
Cathy H. Wu University of Delaware For contributions to bioinformatics, computational biology, knowledge mining and semantic data integration |
Zhou Kun Zhejiang University For contributions to computer graphics |
Shuicheng Yan YITU Technology For contributions to visual content understanding techniques and application |
Brian Levine University of Massachusetts Amherst For contributions to network forensics, security, and privacy, and for thwarting crimes against children |
Wang Yi Uppsala University For contributions to the automated analysis and verification of real-time systems |
Kevin Leyton-Brown University of British Columbia For contributions to artificial intelligence, including computational game theory, multi-agent systems, machine learning, and optimization |
Michael J. Zyda University of Southern California For contributions to game design, game and virtual reality networking, and body tracking |
Xuelong Li Northwestern Polytechnic University For contributions to computing on and learning from higher-order data |
Steven H. Low California Institute of Technology For theoretical foundations and real-world deployment of Internet congestion control and smart grid optimization |
Chenyang Lu Washington University in St. Louis For contributions to adaptive real-time systems, real-time virtualization, and wireless cyber-physical systems |