【重磅】ACM 2019 Fellow名单出炉:58名科学家晋升,华人7名入选,中科大李向阳中科院计算所陈熙霖当选

2019 年 12 月 11 日 专知

【导读】刚刚,ACM(计算机协会)发布了今年新入选的 58 名 ACM Fellow,表彰他们在人工智能、云计算、打击网络犯罪、量子计算和无线网络等领域做出的广泛而重要的贡献。2019年ACM Fellow 成就为定义数字时代的技术奠定了基础,并极大地影响了我们的职业和个人生活。ACM Fellow组成了一个精英小组,在该协会全球会员中所占比例不到1%。

华人代表7人入选ACM Fellow,谢源、Dawn Song、李向阳、陈熙霖、吕松武、周礼栋、陶大程。国内中科院计算所陈熙霖研究员,中科大李向阳教授入选。微软亚洲研究院副院长周礼栋博士入选。

ACM主席Cherri M. Pancake在宣布2019年ACM Fellow 名单时说:“计算技术对我们今天的生活和工作方式产生了巨大的影响”“所有直接或间接影响我们的技术都是无数个小时的合作和/或个人工作的结果,以及创造性的灵感,有时还需要承担风险”每年,我们都期待着邀请一些最杰出的人士加入我们的行列。ACM Fellow是我们整个表彰工作的基石。在强调ACM研究员的成就时,我们希望在该表扬的地方表扬,同时也教育公众关于计算机专业人员工作的非凡领域。




2019 ACM Fellow 入选华人

  • 谢源,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校


  • Dawn Song,加州大学伯克利分校


  •  李向阳,中国科学技术大学


  • 陈熙霖,中国科学院计算技术研究所


  • 吕松武,加州大学洛杉矶分校


  • 周礼栋,微软亚洲研究院


  • 陶大程,悉尼大学


2019 ACM Fellows

Scott J. Aaronson
University of Texas
For contributions to quantum computing and computational complexity

Songwu Lu
University of California, Los Angeles
For helping create a more resilient and performant cellular network

Tarek F. Abdelzaher
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For interdisciplinary contributions that bridge cyber-physical systems, social sensing, real-time computing, and control

Wendy Elizabeth Mackay
University of Paris-Sud
For contributions to human-computer interaction, mixed reality and participatory design, and leadership in ACM SIGCHI

Saman Amarasinghe
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to high performance computing on modern hardware platforms, domain-specific languages, and compilation techniques

Diana Marculescu
University of Texas at Austin
For contributions to the design and optimization of energy-aware computing systems

Kavita Bala
Cornell University
For contributions to rendering and scene understanding

Sheila McIlraith
University of Toronto
For contributions to knowledge representation and its applications to automated planning and semantic web services

Magdalena Balazinska
University of Washington
For contributions to scalable distributed data systems

Rada Mihalcea
University of Michigan
For contributions to natural language processing, with innovations in data-driven and graph-based language processing

Paul Beame
University of Washington
For contributions in computational and proof complexity and their applications, and for outstanding service

Robin R. Murphy
Texas A&M University
For contributions in founding and advancing the field of computing for disasters and robotics

Emery D. Berger
University of Massachusetts Amherst
For contributions in memory management and programming language implementation

Marc Najork
For contributions to web search and web science

Ronald F. Boisvert
National Institute of Standards and Technology
For contributions to mathematical software and service to the profession

Jason Nieh
Columbia University
For contributions to operating systems, virtualization, and computer science education

Christian Cachin
University of Bern
For contributions to secure distributed computing and cryptographic protocols

Hanspeter Pfister
Harvard University
For contributions to volume rendering, visualization, computer graphics, and computer vision applications

Brad Calder
For contributions to cloud storage, processor simulation, replay, and feedback-directed optimization of systems and applications

Timothy M. Pinkston
University of Southern California
For contributions to interconnection network routing algorithms and architectures, and leadership in expanding computing research

Diego Calvanese
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
For contributions to description logics and their applications in data management and software engineering

Mihai Pop
University of Maryland, College Park
For contributions to computational biology, algorithms, and software for DNA sequence analysis and sequence assembly

Srdjan Capkun
Swiss Federal Polytechnic, Zurich
For contributions to systems and wireless network security

Andreas Reuter
Heidelberg University/Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation
For contributions to database concurrency control and for service to the community

Claire Cardie
Cornell University
For contributions to natural language processing, including coreference resolution, information and opinion extraction

Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Hebrew University
For contributions to multi-agent systems, in particular, the use of game theory in multi-agent systems

Timothy M. Chan
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For contributions to computational geometry, algorithms, and data structures

Srinivasan Seshan
Carnegie Mellon University
For contributions to computer networking, mobile computing and wireless communications

Kanianthra Mani Chandy
California Institute of Technology
For contributions to queueing networks, performance analysis, distributed and parallel programming, and distributed simulation

Prashant J. Shenoy
University of Massachusetts Amherst
For contributions to the modeling and design of distributed systems

Xilin Chen
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
For contributions to face and sign language recognition and multimedia systems

Peter W. Shor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to quantum computing, information theory, and randomized algorithms

Elizabeth F. Churchill
For contributions to human-computer interaction and service to ACM

Mona Singh
Princeton University
For contributions to computational biology, spearheading algorithmic and machine learning approaches for characterizing proteins and their interactions

Philip R. Cohen
Monash University
For contributions to the theory and practice of multi-agent systems, human-computer dialogue, and multimodal interaction     

Ramesh K. Sitaraman
University of Massachusetts Amherst
For contributions to content delivery networks, distributed systems, and scalable Internet services

Vincent Connitzer
Duke University
For contributions to game theory, social choice theory, and mechanism design

Dawn Song
University of California, Berkeley
For contributions to security and privacy

Noshir Contractor
Northwestern University
For contributions to advances in computational social science, network science and web science

Salvatore J. Stolfo
Columbia University
For contributions to machine-learning-based cybersecurity and parallel hardware for database inference systems

Matthew B. Dwyer
University of Virginia
For contributions to the specification and analysis of software

Dacheng Tao
The University of Sydney
For contributions to representation learning and its applications

Elena Ferrari
University of Insubria
For contributions to security and privacy of data and social network systems

Moshe Tennenholtz
For contributions to AI and algorithmic game theory

Michael J. Freedman
Princeton University
For contributions to robust distributed systems for the modern cloud

Giovanni Vigna
University of California, Santa Barbara
For contributions to improving the security of the Internet and combating cybercrime

Deborah Frincke
US National Security Agency
For contributions in education, the practice of research, and the leadership of cybersecurity

Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
Yale University
For contributions to theoretical computer science and its connections with mathematics, sciences, and social sciences

Lise Getoor
University of California, Santa Cruz
For contributions to machine learning, reasoning under uncertainty, and responsible data science

Darrell Whitley
Colorado State University
For technical and professional leadership in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation

Maria L. Gini
University of Minnesota
For contributions to robotics and multi-agent systems and a lifelong commitment to diversity in computing

Yuan Xie
University of California, Santa Barbara
For contributions to the design techniques and tools for the implementation and evaluation of computer architectures

Subbarao Kambhampati
Arizona State University
For contributions to automated planning and human-aware AI systems and leadership within the field

Moustafa Amin Youssef
Alexandria University
For contributions to location tracking algorithms

Tamara G. Kolda
Arizona State University
For innovations in algorithms for tensor decompositions, contributions to data science, and community leadership     

Carlo A. Zaniolo
University of California, Los Angeles
For contributions to the theory and practice of data and knowledge-base systems

Xiang-Yang Li
University of Science and Technology of China
For contributions to the design, analysis and optimization of IoT and mobile systems

Lidong Zhou
Microsoft Research Asia
For contributions to trustworthy distributed computing and to systems research and education in China



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ACM Fellow是由美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery, ACM)授予资深会员之荣誉,表扬对于计算机相关领域有杰出贡献之学者,审查过程十分严格,每年遴选一次。全世界共有五百多位ACM Fellows,华裔院士二十余人。华裔院士名单如下:Yong Rui (芮勇) [1-2] 、Jin-Yi Cai(蔡进一)、Andrew A. Chien、Tse-Yun Feng、Jiawei Han(韩家炜)、Wen-Mei Hwu(胡文美)、Simon Lam、D.T. Lee(李德财)、John A. N. Lee、Ruby B. Lee(李佩露)、Kai Zhen(李凯)、Yi-Bing Lin(林一平)、C.L. Liu(刘炯朗)、Chung-Jen Tan、Benjamin W. Wah(华云生)、Jeannette M. Wing、Chak-Kuen Wong(黄泽权)、Andrew C.-C. Yao(姚期智)、XiaotieDeng(邓小铁)、Philip S. Yu、Harry Shum(沈向洋)、Ming-Syan Chen(陈铭宪)、 Peter Pin-Shan Chen (陈品山)、Wenfei Fan(樊文飞)、Tao Jiang(姜涛)XiaoDong Zhang(张晓东)、Yunhao Liu(刘云浩)及 Zhi-Hua Zhou(周志华)。2008年,我国著名学者高文教授成为第一位当选时在中国大陆任职的ACM Fellow。
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