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Multi-Task Template Matching for Object Detection, Segmentation and Pose Estimation Using Depth Image
作者:Kiru Park, Timothy Patten, Johann Prankl and Markus Vincze
图1 使用遮挡数据集[2]的样例结果。上:对给定ROI中心(绿色点)的分割结果。下:使用NN模板位姿的初始校准结果,以及五轮迭代之后的ICP结果。绿色的点和3D框表示地面真值位姿模型的点和边框。MTTM的预测掩码使ICP在物体被部分遮挡的情况下迭代结果更具有鲁棒性。
图2 MTTM的网络结构。黄色标识的层表示在测试时所需要的计算,因为模板特征已经经过预计算并存储在数据库中(灰色框)。
图3 在同一图像中,两个相似ROI的匹配结果。从不同类别检索NN模板会使掩码预测剧烈变化。颜色仅用于可视化。
图4 使用真实模板的MTTM样例结果。仅仅使用真实图像代替数据库,没有其他进一步的训练。为了更好的可视化效果,采用了彩色图像而不是实际的深度输入。学习到的特征可以应用于在训练网络时没有展示的物体。绿色边框代表地面真值位姿,红色边框代表预测位姿。
Template matching has been shown to accurately estimate the pose of a new object given a limited number of samples. However, pose estimation of occluded objects is still challenging. Furthermore, many robot application domains encounter texture-less objects for which depth images are more suitable than color images. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Multi-Task Template Matching (MTTM), that finds the nearest template of a target object from a depth image while predicting segmentation masks and a pose transformation between the template and a detected object in the scene using the same feature map of the object region. The proposed feature comparison network computes segmentation masks and pose predictions by comparing feature maps of templates and cropped features of a scene. The segmentation result from this network improves the robustness of the pose estimation by excluding points that do not belong to the object. Experimental results show that MTTM outperforms baseline methods for segmentation and pose estimation of occluded objects despite using only depth images
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