Accurate and fast foreground object extraction is very important for object tracking and recognition in video surveillance. Although many background subtraction (BGS) methods have been proposed in the recent past, it is still regarded as a tough problem due to the variety of challenging situations that occur in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we explore this problem from a new perspective and propose a novel background subtraction framework with real-time semantic segmentation (RTSS). Our proposed framework consists of two components, a traditional BGS segmenter $\mathcal{B}$ and a real-time semantic segmenter $\mathcal{S}$. The BGS segmenter $\mathcal{B}$ aims to construct background models and segments foreground objects. The real-time semantic segmenter $\mathcal{S}$ is used to refine the foreground segmentation outputs as feedbacks for improving the model updating accuracy. $\mathcal{B}$ and $\mathcal{S}$ work in parallel on two threads. For each input frame $I_t$, the BGS segmenter $\mathcal{B}$ computes a preliminary foreground/background (FG/BG) mask $B_t$. At the same time, the real-time semantic segmenter $\mathcal{S}$ extracts the object-level semantics ${S}_t$. Then, some specific rules are applied on ${B}_t$ and ${S}_t$ to generate the final detection ${D}_t$. Finally, the refined FG/BG mask ${D}_t$ is fed back to update the background model. Comprehensive experiments evaluated on the CDnet 2014 dataset demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance among all unsupervised background subtraction methods while operating at real-time, and even performs better than some deep learning based supervised algorithms. In addition, our proposed framework is very flexible and has the potential for generalization.
翻译:{ 准确和快速前景天体提取对于视频监视中的天体跟踪和识别非常重要。 虽然最近曾提出过许多背景偏差( BGS) 方法, 但是由于在现实世界情景中出现的种种挑战性情况, 它仍然被视为一个棘手的问题。 在本文中, 我们从新的角度来探讨这一问题, 并提议一个具有实时语义分割法( RTSS) 的新的背景偏移框架。 我们的拟议框架由两个部分组成, 一个传统的 BGS 区块 $\ mathal{ B} $ 和一个实时的 语义偏差部分 $\ mathal{ S} 。 虽然 B 区块 $\ mathcal} 方法, 用于构建背景模型更新准确性能的反馈。 $\ massion $_ $_ macreal_ dreal_ greal_ codeal_ demodeal_ greal_ ladeal_ ladeal_ ladeal_ ladeal_ a $Greal_ a modeal_ modeal_ a modeal_ modeal_ modeal_ rodeal_ modeal_ rodeal_ romodeal_ modeal_ rode ex ex ex rodeal_ exal_ exal_ exal_ modeal_ ro) exal_ romas_ rodeal_ exs_ exs_ rocal_ rocal_ exs_ ro) rocal_ rods_ rocal_ rocal_ exs_ rocal_ exs_ exs_ exs_ rocal_ modsal_ rods rods rods exal exal exal mocal exal_ mods exal_ exs rods mods mods mods mos exs exs exs exs exs ex ex mos mos exs exs exal exal_