This paper is about shipping runtime verification to the masses. It presents the crucial technology enabling everyday car owners to monitor the behaviour of their cars in-the-wild. Concretely, we present an Android app that deploys RTLola runtime monitors for the purpose of diagnosing automotive exhaust emissions. For this, it harvests the availability of cheap bluetooth adapters to the On-Board-Diagnostics (OBD) ports, which are ubiquitous in cars nowadays. We detail its use in the context of Real Driving Emissions (RDE) tests and report on sample runs that helped identify violations of the regulatory framework currently valid in the European Union.
翻译:本文是关于对大众的航运运行时间核查。 它展示了使日常汽车所有者能够监测其汽车行为的关键技术。 具体地说, 我们展示了安卓亚应用程序, 用于部署RTLola运行时间监测器, 用于诊断汽车排气排放。 为此, 它收获了在On-Board- Disagnoistics( On-Board- Diagnistics) 港口的廉价蓝牙适配器, 目前这些港口在汽车中无处不在。 我们详细介绍了它在实际驾驶排放测试中的使用情况, 并报告了样本运行情况, 这有助于查明违反欧洲联盟目前有效的监管框架的情况 。