Recommender systems aim to recommend new items to users by learning user and item representations. In practice, these representations are highly entangled as they consist of information about multiple factors, including user's interests, item attributes along with confounding factors such as user conformity, and item popularity. Considering these entangled representations for inferring user preference may lead to biased recommendations (e.g., when the recommender model recommends popular items even if they do not align with the user's interests). Recent research proposes to debias by modeling a recommender system from a causal perspective. The exposure and the ratings are analogous to the treatment and the outcome in the causal inference framework, respectively. The critical challenge in this setting is accounting for the hidden confounders. These confounders are unobserved, making it hard to measure them. On the other hand, since these confounders affect both the exposure and the ratings, it is essential to account for them in generating debiased recommendations. To better approximate hidden confounders, we propose to leverage network information (i.e., user-social and user-item networks), which are shown to influence how users discover and interact with an item. Aside from the user conformity, aspects of confounding such as item popularity present in the network information is also captured in our method with the aid of \textit{causal disentanglement} which unravels the learned representations into independent factors that are responsible for (a) modeling the exposure of an item to the user, (b) predicting the ratings, and (c) controlling the hidden confounders. Experiments on real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed model for debiasing recommender systems.
翻译:建议系统的目的是通过学习用户和项目表示方式向用户推荐新的项目。在实践中,这些表述方式非常纠结,因为它们包含关于多种因素的信息,包括用户的兴趣、项目属性以及诸如用户合规性和项目受欢迎度等令人困惑的因素。考虑到这些相互纠缠的表述方式,推断用户偏好可能会导致有偏向的建议(例如,建议者模型建议流行的项目,即使它们与用户的利益不相符,但建议者则建议它们向用户推荐新的项目。最近的研究提议通过从因果角度模拟推荐者系统来降低偏差。接触和评级分别类似于因果控制用户使用框架的处理和结果。这个环境中的关键挑战就是对隐藏的 confurationers进行会计核算。这些相纠缠的表达方式,使得难以衡量用户偏差和评级,因此,由于建议者模型显示的偏差,因此有必要考虑它们生成不偏差的建议。为了更接近隐藏的连接者,我们提议利用网络信息(即用户社会和用户的用户-项目预测值网络)的处理和结果,在网络中与用户的排序中显示如何理解用户的系统,从而了解当前的阅读数据。