This study examines the effect of COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns on access to crucial diagnostic procedures for breast cancer patients, including screenings and treatments. To quantify the impact of the lockdowns on patient outcomes and cost, the study employs a mathematical model of breast cancer progression. The model includes ten different states that represent various stages of health and disease, along with the four different stages of cancer that can be diagnosed or undiagnosed. The study employs a natural history stochastic model to simulate the progression of breast cancer in patients. The model includes transition probabilities between states, estimated using both literature and empirical data. The study utilized a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation to model the natural history of each simulated patient over a seven-year period from 2019 to 2025. The simulation was repeated 100 times to estimate the variance in outcome variables. The study found that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns caused a significant increase in breast cancer costs, with an average rise of 172.5 million PLN (95\% CI [82.4, 262.6]) and an additional 1005 breast cancer deaths (95\% CI [426, 1584]) in Poland during the simulated period. While these results are preliminary, they highlight the potential harmful impact of lockdowns on breast cancer treatment outcomes and costs.
本研究旨在研究COVID-19大流行及其相关封锁措施对乳腺癌患者包括筛查和治疗等关键诊断程序的影响。为了量化封锁对患者结果和成本的影响,本研究采用了乳腺癌进展的数学模型。该模型包括十个不同的状态,代表健康和疾病的各个阶段,以及可以诊断或未诊断的四个不同的癌症阶段。本研究采用自然史随机模型来模拟患者乳腺癌的进展。该模型包括状态之间的转移概率,使用文献和实证数据估计。本研究采用马尔可夫蒙特卡罗模拟来模拟每个模拟患者从2019年到2025年的自然历史状态。每个模拟重复100次,以估计结果变量的方差。本研究发现,在模拟期间,由于COVID-19大流行及其相关封锁措施,乳腺癌的成本大幅增加,平均增加了172.5百万波兰兹罗提(95\% CI [82.4,262.6]),并额外导致了1005例乳腺癌死亡(95\% CI [426, 1584])。虽然这些结果是初步的,但他们强调了封锁对乳腺癌治疗结局和成本的潜在有害影响。