Proportional ranking rules aggregate approval-style preferences of agents into a collective ranking such that groups of agents with similar preferences are adequately represented. Motivated by the application of live Q&A platforms, where submitted questions need to be ranked based on the interests of the audience, we study a dynamic extension of the proportional rankings setting. In our setting, the goal is to maintain the proportionality of a ranking when alternatives (i.e., questions) -- not necessarily from the top of the ranking -- get selected sequentially. We propose generalizations of well-known aggregation rules to this setting and study their monotonicity and proportionality properties. We also evaluate the performance of these rules experimentally, using realistic probabilistic assumptions on the selection procedure.
翻译:比例分级规则将代理商的赞同式偏好归为集体排名,使具有类似偏好的代理商群体有充分的代表性。在应用活的 ⁇ A 平台的推动下,提出的问题需要根据受众的利益进行排序,我们研究比例分级设置的动态扩展。在我们的背景中,目标是在选择替代物(即问题) -- -- 不一定来自排名的上层 -- -- 时保持排序的相称性。我们建议将众所周知的汇总规则概括到这一设置中,并研究其单一性性和相称性。我们还利用对选择程序的切合实际的概率假设,对这些规则的绩效进行实验性评估。