We conducted a set of Rapid Reviews to characterize Internet of Things facets. We formatted a generic meta-protocol that was instantiated for each of the six facets presented (Connectivity, Things, Behavior, Smartness, Interactivity, and Environment)and considering the issue of Security, one of the most important and frequent challenges in the context of IoT. The meta-protocol is detailed and the results of each review are presented.
翻译:我们进行了一套快速审查,以描述因特网对事物各方面的特点,我们制定了一套通用的元议定书,对提出的六个方面(Connectivity、things、Bactvior、Smartence、Interactive and Environment)中的每一个方面(Connectivity、Times、Times、Bactvior、Smartence、Interactive and Environment)都进行了即时处理,并审议了安全问题,这是在IoT方面最重要和最经常遇到的挑战之一。 元议定书是详尽的,每次审查的结果都作了介绍。