We focus on the construction of a loss function for the bounding box regression. The Intersection over Union (IoU) metric is improved to converge faster, to make the surface of the loss function smooth and continuous over the whole searched space, and to reach a more precise approximation of the labels. The main principle is adding a smoothing part to the original IoU, where the smoothing part is given by a linear space with values that increases from the ground truth bounding box to the border of the input image, and thus covers the whole spatial search space. We show the motivation and formalism behind this loss function and experimentally prove that it outperforms IoU, DIoU, CIoU, and SIoU by a large margin. We experimentally show that the proposed loss function is robust with respect to the noise in the dimension of ground truth bounding boxes. The reference implementation is available at gitlab.com/irafm-ai/smoothing-iou.
翻译:我们关注于构建边界框回归的损失函数。我们改进了交并比(IoU)度量标准,使其更快地收敛,使损失函数在整个搜索空间上变得平滑和连续,并使其更准确地逼近标签。主要原则是向原始IoU添加一个平滑部分,其中平滑部分由一个线性空间给出,其值从真实边界框到输入图像的边缘逐渐增加,因此覆盖了整个空间搜索空间。我们展示了这个损失函数背后的动机和形式化,并通过实验证明,它比IoU、DIoU、CIoU和SIoU的效果要好得多。我们通过实验证明,所提出的损失函数对于标注的噪声具有鲁棒性。参考实现可在 gitlab.com/irafm-ai/smoothing-iou 上找到。