There are different kinds of blockchains, which have been applied in various areas. Blockchains are relatively independent systems that are apt to form isolated data islands. Then cross-chain interaction is proposed to connect different blockchains. However, the current cross-chain methods do not maintain the security of the original blockchain. They either depend on a less secure third-party system or a less secure method. This makes the cross-chain interaction less secure than the original blockchains (the security downgrade issues), or the cross-chain interaction can be done even if the paired blockchain does not exist (the blockchain invisible issue). In this paper, we first propose a system interaction model and use it to analyze the possible security issues. Based on conclusions got from the proposed model, we propose the cross-chain method that verifies the data of the paired blockchain by the consensus algorithm of the paired blockchain (the CIFuV method). With this method, the cross-chain interaction can be as the same security as in the paired blockchain. At last, we evaluate the security issues during the system interaction process, and the possibility to have the CIFuV model on the public blockchains.
翻译:不同种类的链条已经应用于不同领域。 链条是相对独立的系统,可以形成孤立的数据岛屿。 然后建议跨链互动,将不同的链条连接起来。 然而,目前的跨链条方法并不能维持原的链条的安全性。 它们要么依赖于一种较不安全的第三方系统,要么依赖于一种较不安全的第三方系统,或者一种较不安全的方法。这使得跨链互动比原始的链条(安全下调问题)更不安全,或者即使配对的链条不存在,也能够实现跨链互动。 在本文件中,我们首先提出一个系统互动模式,并用它来分析可能的安全问题。根据从拟议模式得出的结论,我们建议采用跨链法,用配对的链条的协商一致算法(CIFuV方法)来验证对齐的链条数据。 采用这种方法,跨链互动可以与配对的链条一样。 最后,我们评估了系统互动过程中的安全问题,以及将CIFuV系统放在公共模型上的可能性。