The development of the A64FX processor by Fujitsu has been a massive innovation in vectorized processors and led to Fugaku: the current world's fastest supercomputer. We use a variety of tools to analyze the behavior and performance of several OpenMP applications with different compilers, and how these applications scale on the different A64FX processors on clusters at Stony Brook University and RIKEN.
翻译:Fujitsu开发A64FX处理器(A64FX处理器)是病媒化处理器的大规模创新,并导致Fugaku:目前世界上最快的超级计算机。 我们使用多种工具分析多个OpenMP应用程序与不同编译器的行为和性能,以及这些应用在Stony Brook大学和RIKEN各组的A64FX处理器中的规模。