In contention resolution, multiple processors are trying to coordinate to send discrete messages through a shared channel with sharply limited communication. If two processors inadvertently send at the same time, the messages collide and are not transmitted successfully. An important case is acknowledgement-based contention resolution, in which processors cannot listen to the channel at all; all they know is whether or not their own messages have got through. This situation arises frequently in both networking and cloud computing. The most common acknowledgement-based protocols in practice are backoff protocols - variants of binary exponential backoff are used in both Ethernet and TCP/IP, and both Google Drive and AWS instruct their users to implement it to handle busy periods. In queueing models, where each processor has a queue of messages, stable backoff protocols are already known (H{\aa}stad et al., SICOMP 1996). In queue-free models, where each processor has a single message but processors arrive randomly, it is a long-standing conjecture of Aldous (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1987) that no stable backoff protocols exist for any positive arrival rate of processors. Despite exciting recent results for full-sensing protocols which assume far greater listening capabilities of the processors (see e.g. Bender et al. STOC 2020 or Chen et al. PODC 2021), this foundational question remains open; here instability is only known in general when the arrival rate of processors is at least 0.42 (Goldberg et al. SICOMP 2004). We prove Aldous' conjecture for all backoff protocols outside of a tightly-constrained special case using a new domination technique to get around the main difficulty, which is the strong dependencies between messages.
翻译:在争议解答中,多个处理器正在试图协调通过共享频道发送离散信息,通信非常有限。 如果两个处理器同时无意中发送, 信息会相撞, 并且不会成功传输。 一个重要的案例是基于承认的争议解答, 处理器根本听不到该频道; 他们知道的是他们自己的信息是否通过; 这种情况经常出现在网络和云计算中。 在实践中, 最常见的基于确认的协议是回转协议 - 以Ethernet 和 TCP/ IP 之间使用双向性螺旋回溯变变量, 而 Google 驱动器和 AWS 都指示用户执行它来处理繁忙时期。 在排队列模型中, 每个处理器都无法听到频道的回溯协议; 他们知道自己的信息是否通过网络和云计算。 在无排队列模式中, 每个处理器有一个单一信息但处理器随机抵达, 这是Aldous( SIE Transport. Infory 1987) 和 GooLO 之间的双向后端协议的变变式, 在任何已知的正常递递进速度中都没有固定的后端协议, 。 在任何已知的预感化器中, 和感化器中, 最深色的递解后变的递解路路的顺序中, 直路的后变数是最新的递化器, 最深的顺序在最深的后变。