Increasing online shoppers have generated enormous amount of data in form of reviews (text) and sales data. Aggregate reviews in form of rating (stars) have become noticeable indicators of product quality and vendor performance to prospective consumers at first sight. Consumers subjected to product discount deadlines search for ways in which they could evaluate product and vendor service using a comprehensible benchmark. Considering the effect of time pressure on consumers, aggregate reviews, known as review valence, become a viable indicator of product quality. This study investigates how purchase decisions for new products are affected by past customer aggregate ratings when a soon-to-expire discount is being offered. We examine the role that a consumer's attitude towards review valence (RV) plays as an antecedent to that consumer's reliance on RV in a purchase decision for time-discounted search goods. Considering review credibility, diagnosticity, and effectiveness as determinants of consumer attitude in a time-constrained search and purchase environment, we follow the approach-avoidance conflict theory to examine the role of review valence and perceived uncertainty in a time-constrained environment. The data was collected through an online survey and analyzed using structural equation modelling. This study provides significant implications for practitioners as they can better understand how review valence can influence a purchase decision. Empirical analysis includes two contributions: 1. It helps to understand how consumer attitude toward review valence, when positively influenced by the determinants, can lead to reliance on review valence, further influencing purchase decision; 2. Time constrained purchase-related perceived uncertainty negatively moderates the relationship between consumer attitude and reliance on review valence.
翻译:在线购物者以审查(文本)和销售数据的形式生成了大量数据; 以评级(明星)形式进行的综合审查,已成为产品质量和供应商业绩的显著指标; 受产品贴现期限限制的消费者寻找如何利用可理解的基准评估产品和供应商服务的方法; 考虑到时间压力对消费者的影响, 被称为审查价值的汇总审查, 成为衡量产品质量的一个可行指标; 研究在提供快速到到期的折扣时,新产品的采购决定如何受到过去客户总体评级的影响; 以评级(明星)形式进行的综合审查,成为衡量产品质量的显著指标; 以评级(明星)形式进行的综合审查,成为衡量产品质量的显著指标; 以评级(明星)形式进行总体审查,以显示消费者对审查价值的不确定性和供应商的业绩表现; 以在线调查的形式收集数据,表明消费者在购买决定决定决定方面依赖RV, 以更好地认识对估值的影响; 在进行估值模型分析时,通过分析,可以更准确地了解对采购相关决定作出何种影响。