COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the lives of all human beings. Emerging technologies have made significant contributions to the fight against the pandemic. An extensive review of the application of technology will help facilitate future research and technology development to provide better solutions for future pandemics. In contrast to the extensive surveys of academic communities that have already been conducted, this study explores the IT community of practice. Using GitHub as the study target, we analyzed the main functionalities of the projects submitted during the pandemic. This study examines trends in projects with different functionalities and the relationship between functionalities and technologies. The study results show an imbalance in the number of projects with varying functionalities in the GitHub community, i.e., applications account for more than half of the projects. In contrast, other data analysis and AI projects account for a smaller share. This differs significantly from the survey of the academic community, where the findings focus more on cutting-edge technologies while projects in the community of practice use more mature technologies. The spontaneous behavior of developers may lack organization and make it challenging to target needs.
翻译:对技术应用的全面审查将有助于促进未来的研究和技术开发,以便为未来的流行病提供更好的解决办法; 与已经进行的对学术界的广泛调查相比,本研究探索了信息技术实践社区; 利用GitHub作为研究目标,我们分析了在大流行病期间提交的项目的主要功能; 这项研究审查了功能不同的项目的趋势以及功能与技术之间的关系; 研究结果显示,GitHub社区功能不同的项目数量不平衡,即应用占项目一半以上; 相比之下,其他数据分析和AI项目所占比例较小,这与学术界的调查大不相同,后者的调查结果更侧重于尖端技术,而实践社区的项目则使用更成熟的技术; 开发商的自发行为可能缺乏组织,使其对目标需求构成挑战。