Autonomous systems (AS) carry out complex missions by continuously observing the state of their surroundings and taking actions toward a goal. Swarms of AS working together can complete missions faster and more effectively than single AS alone. To build swarms today, developers handcraft their own software for storing, aggregating, and learning from observations. We present the Fleet Computer, a platform for developing and managing swarms. The Fleet Computer provides a programming paradigm that simplifies multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) -- an emerging class of algorithms that coordinate swarms of agents. Using just two programmer-provided functions Map() and Eval(), the Fleet Computer compiles and deploys swarms and continuously updates the reinforcement learning models that govern actions. To conserve compute resources, the Fleet Computer gives priority scheduling to models that contribute to effective actions, drawing a novel link between online learning and resource management. We developed swarms for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in agriculture and for video analytics on urban traffic. Compared to individual AS, our swarms achieved speedup of 4.4X using 4 UAV and 62X using 130 video cameras. Compared to a competing approach for building swarms that is widely used in practice, our swarms were 3X more effective, using 3.9X less energy.
翻译:自动系统(AS)通过不断观察周围环境状况并采取行动实现一个目标,执行复杂的任务。AS的Swararms 一起工作可以比单AS更迅速和更有效地完成任务。为了在今天建立群群群,开发了自己的储存、集合和从观察中学习的软件。我们展示了舰队计算机,这是开发和管理群群的平台。船队计算机提供了一个简化多试强化学习(MARL)的编程范式(MARL) -- -- 一种协调代理人群集的新兴算法类别。仅仅使用两个程序员提供的功能()和Eval(),船队计算机汇编和部署群群,并不断更新指导行动的强化学习模式。为了节省资源,船队计算机优先安排有助于有效行动的模式,绘制在线学习和资源管理之间的新联系。我们开发了农业中的无人驾驶飞行器(UAVAV)和城市交通视频分析学的群。与个体AS相比,我们利用4VA和62X方法加速了4.4X的步伐,使用4VA和13x的相互竞争的方法,使用130个摄影机进行较慢的Sx。